6 Marketing Tips to Double Your DropShipping Business


Dropshipping is a hot business right now. More and more people are learning how to drop ship, and are starting their own e-commerce sites, which sometimes makes it difficult to get to the clients. That’s why having a good marketing strategy is crucial.

Here you will find six marketing tips, with which you can attract more people to your website, and as a result, increase your sales. So without further ado, let’s get to it.

Add Reviews, Ratings and Testimonials To Your Site

People tend to be sceptical about ordering from websites that they don’t know, even if the prices are attractive. It’s especially noticeable when it comes to dropshipping sites. The main thing about which they have doubts is the quality of products. So to build trust in those people, you should add reviews, ratings and testimonials to your site. Seeing other customer’s experience with the product might encourage the potential buyer to purchase it.

You can take as an example people dropshipping from AliExpress, who usually screenshot the reviews from their supplier’s page, and post it onto their website.

Run Facebook Ads

In the middle of 2017, there were more than 2.01 billion active Facebook users. In 2019, the number increased to 2.45 billion, which is more than ⅓ of the population of the whole world. However, besides the massive amount of people using the website, Facebook is also a useful tool for dropshipping entrepreneurs because of the diversity of data that it collects. Thanks to this data, you can be as specific as possible when trying to target the right audience.

Another advantage of using Facebook Ads is that you can format your ads and choose where you want your ads to be shown. This includes Messenger, Instagram, Audience Network and Workplace. It also allows you to manage your ads and see the results without having to use multiple platforms.

Share Social Videos

Social videos are forecasted to make up more than 80% of consumer web traffic by 2021, which makes one of the best forms of marketing today. So if you want to improve your sales as a dropshipper, maybe it’s time for you to start using video content. You can put them on your social media with a link that will redirect the possible customers onto your website.

If you are just starting, or you’re doing dropshipping on a small scale, then creating your own social videos can be challenging. In this case, you can use the one already made by other people and share them on your social media. Remember to use a caption that will catch the attention of the viewer and make them visit your website.

Use Retargeting Techniques

Studies have shown that approximately 98% of visitors will not buy anything on their first visit. This is not a good situation for drop shippers, for whom traffic is tough to get. That’s why they use something called retargeting.

Retargeting is one of the many marketing strategies. It targets visitors who had visited your site before but made no action. By using this strategy, you can show relevant ads to those visitors on different websites. People who got retargeted are almost 70% more likely to convert to your site.

If you want your retargeting to be more effective, you should use these checklists, which will help you in defining your guidelines:

  • Headlines/hooks – divide your visitors depending on the reason why they visited your websites, for example – homepage visitors, abandoned cart page visitors, recent buyers, etc.
  • Audience segments – divide your visitors depending on how long ago they visited your website, for example – 0-30 days, 31-60 days, etc.
  • Recency segments – platforms on which you can implement retargeting, such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, etc.
  • Retargeting channels – a copy’s headline or hook should change depending on a visitor’s recency and audience segments

Upsell And Cross-sell Marketing

Just like any other seller, you probably also want to maximize every transaction. That’s why you should implement product upselling and cross-selling techniques. Since there’s only a small difference between these two, they are always combined into one marketing strategy. However, both of them can help you in increasing your sales by up to 70%.

One of the sites that are popular for using those techniques is Amazon. They use the “Frequently Bought Together” marketing.

Use Compelling Email Pop-Ups

Studies have shown that around 55% leaves a website with the first 15 seconds of their visit. That’s why gaining your visitor’s email address is an essential step towards the lead conversation. However, if you want to turn your visitors into subscribers, you need to implement a marketing strategy that will encourage them to do so.

Make your pop-ups creative to convince the visitors to join your email list. Once you have it, you can start sending email marketing content to engage them with your website and eventually make them purchase something.

However, in most cases, customers get annoyed and bored with the pop-ups if they are too many, so you need to know the limit. You should set them up in a way that will not disturb the customer’ shopping flow. Remember that sometimes less is more.


Marketing is a part of any business, even drop shipping – after all, it’s purpose is to bring more clients. Since more and more people are learning how to dropship and are starting their own e-commerce sites, it is crucial to have a good marketing strategy, something that will make you stand out from your competitors. So now, all there is left to say is Good Luck.


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