Everything to Know About Zone Induction UVC Lamps

Zone Induction lamps have become very popular in the UVC lighting market. Here’s everything there is to know about these fixtures.


Quick Facts About Zone Induction UVC Lamps

Two years down the line, the world is still grappling with the economical and psychological aftermaths of COVID-19. Yes, for most people, it’s hard to imagine that it’s been that long. And, despite being the biggest highlight of the 21st century (so far), things haven’t been all gloom and doom during the pandemic period.

In fact, several positive things have happened during this time. For example, COVID has:

  • Led to a universal acceptance of better hygiene practices,
  • Inspired rigorous research and development of vaccines and ways to counter future viruses,
  • In a way, brought the world closer together to fight a common issue,
  • And bolstered innovations and ideas around technologies used for protection

So, yes, it’s ill-informed to assume that COVID has been 100% bad. Anyway, enough of that. Today, the topic of discussion is on using customized LED lights to bolster health and safety. Specifically, Zone Induction UVCs; and how the pandemic has shown a light on the effectiveness of this lighting technology. So, here’s everything you need to know.

What Are Induction Lamps?

Now, to ensure that we are all on the same page, we have to know the definition of Induction Lighting before discussing anything further. So, what is an induction lamp?

Induction technology has been around for more than 100 years. Its first-ever patent was awarded to engineer Philip H. Diehl in 1882. And since then, many lighting companies have innovated the technology into what we have today.

That said, an induction lamp is a light fixture that uses electromagnetic fields to transmit energy and generate light. Think of fluorescent lighting technology – but using magnetic induction instead of electrodes to ignite the gas inside it. How?

Just like fluorescents, induction lamps have glass tubes containing special gases. However, these gases are stimulated by electromagnetic fields to release photons. Then, the photons produce light or UVC radiation depending on the type of induction light.

Benefits of Induction Lighting

  1. Long Lifespans – Just like LED lights in general, zone induction lamps last longer than fluorescent lights and other technologies. They can operate for up to 100,000 hours; which is quite impressive.
  2. Easy to Install – These fixtures are quite straightforward in terms of installation and usage.
  3. Instant Switching – Yes. You can easily switch them ON or OFF instantly. And that makes them ideal for emergency lighting.
  4. Application Versatility– They have a wide range of color temperatures which gives you the freedom to customize them to your liking. These fixtures are commonly used in hospitals, restaurant kitchens, supermarkets, hotels, and theaters. Additionally, you may find them in streets and on bridges.
  5. More Efficient–After LEDs, induction lights are the second-best fixtures in terms of energy efficiency. In addition to that, they are safe for the environment.
  6. High Luminous Efficacies – An induction light meant for lighting purposes can yield up to 90 lumens per watt depending on its architecture.
  7. Ideal for Commercial and Industrial Use – Lastly, the fact that they are energy efficient means that you can use these fixtures without any fear of cutting down your profits or increasing your operational costs.

Types of Induction Lamps

Now, when it comes to classifying Induction lamps, there are two different approaches to it. One, you can categorize them according to architecture or, two, by application.

Types of Induction Light by Architecture

In this approach, there are 2 main categories – External and Internal induction lights.

  • External induction lamps use an induction coil that is mounted outside of the tube. The metal coil has a sheath that covers it. Also, it has a soft material that prevents the metal coil from touching the glass tube.
  • Internal induction lamps are the exact opposite of external types. They are made in such a way that their electromagnet is inside the glass tube. Internal core lamps were the first-ever types of induction fixtures and are still quite popular compared to the latter.

Types of Induction Light by Application

Architecture aside, another way to classify zone induction lamps is through application or use. And here, you get two options – for lighting or for germicidal irradiation.

  • Lighting – These fixtures are designed to offer illumination. And that’s why they are usually brighter with higher luminous efficacies. Generally, visible light is usually predominant over UV radiation here.
  • Germicidal Irradiation–For this type of application, visible light isn’t usually the priority. Therefore luminous efficacies and brightness don’t matter. These fixtures are designed to emit UVC rays (Shortwave Ultraviolet Waves) that can be up to 99.9% effective in killing germs and pathogens. So, if you’re mainly interested in disinfecting your spaces and surfaces from harmful bacteria and COVID pathogens, this is the fixture to buy.

Anyway, with the different types in mind, some still wonder how induction lighting works. If you’re one of them, this next part is for you.

How Do Customized Induction Lights Work?

As earlier stated, zone induction lamps work with the use of electromagnetic fields to produce visible light or UVC rays. And, since they have different uses/applications, functionality and architecture will also be different.

But, from a general standpoint, induction lamps have 3 main parts – a ballast, a discharge tube, and an electromagnet. The ballast is the frequency generator. On the other hand, the electromagnet can be an inductor or energizing coil. So, let’s see how they work together to make the induction lamps perform their function.

First, the ballast starts by creating a high-frequency current. Its frequency is usually between 2.5 and 3 MHz. Next, the current connects to the electromagnet; which then produces an electromagnetic field. The energy generated transfers to the tube to excite the gas present; which often has either mercury or phosphor gas.

And, finally, the excited gas molecule emit atoms. Both emissions work to produce light. The process produces photons (to give visible light) or UVC light emitted by the mercury gas.

Are There Any Downsides to Using Zone Induction Lights?

So, unlike LEDs (which are seemingly perfect in almost every way) induction lamps come with a few setbacks. For example:

  1. Low Feature Support – With zone induction lamps, you won’t get to enjoy modern lighting features like dimming.
  2. Longer Heating Time – Well, it doesn’t take that long, however, you’ll notice the difference when comparing these fixtures side by side with LED versions.
  3. Radio Frequency Interference–Some Induction Lamps often produce RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) because of their high-frequency ballasts. And that can cause communication disruptions.
  4. Less Directional Control – Much like fluorescent tubes, it’s pretty hard to control the direction of light from an Induction Lamp.
  5. Toxic Components – Mercury and Phosphors are toxic elements. Thus, breakage of these fixtures may cause risks to users and the environment.

Safety Precautions When Handling Zone Induction UVC Lights

Unlike lighting fixtures, handling UVC lamps requires tact and precaution to keep you and those around you safe. That’s because overexposure to UVC radiation is known to cause skin cancer, burns, and extensive damage to the retina of an eye. So, it is not something you just install and switch on. And thus, safety is paramount.

So, here are a few things you can do to ensure your zone induction UVC lights are safe to use:

  • Hire a professional installer – Safety begins with installation. And the best person to ensure everything is rightly installed is someone with knowledge and experience in the field. They’ll be in a position to tell you why, where, and how to best install these fixtures.
  • Invest in Automation and Control Systems – This ensures that you can switch ON and OFF your Induction UVCs without necessarily being in the room. This can be achieved through wireless connectivity, timers, programmable switches, or external wiring.
  • Install UVC Warning Signs– Having a warning sign in and outside the room helps to alert other users of the presence of UVC lighting. That way, they won’t go into the area while the fixture(s) are ON.
  • Install Indicator Lights – They often show the current state of the fixtures. That way it will be easier to tell whether they are ON or OFF at any given time.
  • Use Eye Covers and Long Sleeve Clothes/Gloves – This is important if you have to be in the room while the UVC lights are ON.

To Sum Up…

That’s just about all the information you need to know about induction lights. As much as they are not as popular as other forms of customized LED lights, they still function quite well. In addition to that, they can be adapted and assembled to be perfect for your intended use.

What matters is finding the right manufacturer to help you design your new Zone Induction Lamps. And we, at ShineLong LED Company, believe we’ve got what it takes to turn your ideas into reality.


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