App Idea Copied, Here’s How to Make it Original


Well, everybody has their own set of ideas for developing an app; it can either be general or unique. In order to sustain in this hyper-competitive marketplace, the businesses need out-of-box, exclusive, superior and extraordinary idea plus the business have to be pretty sure about the fact, that the app developed by them lefts no space for bugs.  Since the app market is a million dollar industry, it is really tedious to enter into it, and in case your app comes with errors, better do not land on the mobile app development landscape.

But the major question that stays here is: How to get an idea of developing the app and how to convert those ideas into actions. Coming to the next point, it really toils to identify that whether your app idea is really original or is already implemented by some another venture.

If we look at the present scenario, there are around 2.5 million apps covering the Android Google Store and 2 million of them are ruling the Apple App Store. Users can discover the app for almost every domain, be it for the e-commerce, health, social or any other but one thing that is common for all the streams is: they all are developed under the appropriate guidance and within a stipulated framework.

While you are on the journey of development, you must be very clear about the strategies, before you sit for engineering an app. Moreover, one must also grapple an understanding about the respective competitors and the approaches they indulge while developing the app.

Accumulate app details

For instance, you are looking for a social networking app, then probably you will look out for options like Facebook, Instagram, Telegram etc and will have a glance over both the mobile and website versions.   Prior processing for app development, certainly, you require to grab information about their developmental details. Besides finding the basic details, you need to identify the core values and features that played a major role that helped them in establishing the franchise. Believe me collecting the information about the product is not a cup of tea; it requires a lot of brainstorming.

Thus, if you want to validate your app idea, just keep researching and with the help of collected data and facts, you will definitely be able to harvest best features for your mobile app.

Decide features

Attributes act as a mirror for your app. At the same time, they are also responsible for determining the failure and success of your app. thus plan all the features to be added with a very extensive approach. For instance, if you are on the verge of developing a health app, focus that it delivers all the curial data related to the user’s health and wellness.

Say goodbye to search engines

The existing market is highly competitive, therefore, is such a scenario, relying upon the limited searching tools will not come as a rescue, the businesses are required to step out of the irrational concepts for gathering the app related data and statistics.

Advanced and sophisticated tools such as App Annie, App Statics etc can be used for finding the app ranking, user visits, click and bounce rates for outlining the app improvisation strategies.

If your app idea exists, don’t panic

The mobile app developers may lose their confidence, in case they witness another app following the same idea.  In such case, they must not feel stresses instead; they must try to infuse real potential in their app idea and must initiate coding with a thought of a major game changer.

Rekindle the app development

This is a very good idea, to begin with. In the overcrowded market, app owners can witness one or the other app with the same idea, thus it is best to develop the new attributes and app development model for the app with a similar idea.  Besides, you require to execute the approaches with brainstorming planning, and if done in the right direction, probably you may conserve a place ahead of your competitors.


Now since there are plenty of mobile apps lined in the queue, it is really a very complicated process to identify the idea which is totally new.  But owing to such fact, you just cannot sit back with your app idea, as you can find the several copies running on a single app idea, therefore, in such a case the businesses can focus on reconverting it into some new venture by adding up some little innovation and with the aid of experimentation.


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