Know the Step on How to Resign


There are numerous reasons employees might want to quit their jobs. It can be caused by a bad relationship with colleagues, mental or physical problems, a decision to change jobs, or a desire for green grass. This is always a crucial phase for everyone as you fear that you will not handle your termination properly because you do not want to burn bridges when starting over. Giving up gracefully is possible, here are the best ways on how to resign in Singapore.

  1. It is the norm to quit in person, be professional, and confront the boss. Make an appointment to discuss this urgent matter and provide a written declaration of departure with your intention to leave, the date you want to leave, the date you want to live, and the deposit of your signature.
  2. Don’t be a coward and announce your resignation by email, fax, or phone. You have to be polite even when you leave. And don’t quit your job without warning, especially if you plan to work in the same industry.
  3. Be honest and tactful when filing your verbal resignation. Confirm that your decision is final unless you are targeting a counter offer. And don’t give too much information about the new company you will be working for or the situations that led to your resignation.
  4. You should give them time to find your replacement and offer to participate in the smooth transition by honestly training your replacement or assigning your responsibilities to your co-workers.
  5. Announce your resignation at least two to three weeks in advance. Going unannounced is unprofessional and it may haunt you in the future too.

Don’t burn bridges because it’s a small world. You can no longer work with them, but you can always find yourself. Stay professional.

  1. Be prepared for the consequences of your decision to quit your job. Solve any problems before you leave the office. Work conscientiously and complete your tasks during the notice period.

Find another job before you quit so after all the stress of quitting your old job, you know that another opportunity is waiting for you.

  1. Find the right time to quit your job, don’t leave if you are financially unstable, and pay monthly. Potential debt will be another dilemma.
  2. Maintain a professional and professional image and do not turn into drama for not wanting to be remembered or labeled.

Remember, no matter what the reason you leave, you are doing your best to step back politely so that you can hold your head up while crossing a street.

So don’t be so flattered that you sit still. Think about what originally started you looking for a new role. For this reason, it is important that you carefully consider moving from the start. If you can determine whether a better position and / or a raise is possible before you leave, it will save you, the companies you interview, and the agencies you spend a lot of time and effort.


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