Ten E-Commerce Web Design Trends To Watch In 2019


The advancement in technology has made people forgotten about how they used to shop things manually. In this modern era, businesses have made online existence and people have started to turn towards online shopping. Most of the people now don’t have enough time to go and purchase products they would rather choose online shopping and get the product delivered without the need of standing in long queues. Due to this, there is a rise in online shopping and need to run an online e-commerce website. Since there is uncountable number of sites on the internet, people go to websites that are easy to comprehend and have a great navigation system. This increases the demand for a website to be highly navigable and responsive on all the mobile screen sizes for online shopping.

The ultimate goal in E-commerce web design is to achieve great conversions. The web design should be rich enough to entice the users to buy and achieve the business goal. Running an E-commerce can be a critical task especially when it comes to managing your marketing strategies with the latest web trends and keeping it updated to satisfy customer needs. In this article, we will take a look at the trends that will be rocking and will most likely help you stay ahead in the business.

1. Mobile friendly designs (Mobile E-commerce)

Having a mobile-friendly site is one way to convince the visitors and improve their visiting experience. Shopping through mobile phone devices has broken all the records and this is one reason why no e-commerce website can ever ignore integrating mobile friendliness in their design. Any e-commerce website ignoring mobile devices will lack behind. Thus, it’s advisable for all the web designers to update their e-commerce site into a mobile-friendly version to stay updated with the latest trends.

2. Voice search

Voice activate interface (VUI) has been used by people for a very long time. It has now advanced in the e-commerce industry. Voice search allows users to command through voice and look for products on the e-commerce sites. The new technology is ready to be integrated into the online e-commerce industry. Integrating this feature in the online websites will grab the attention of the user’s eye and increase the traffic to the website.

3. More Micro interactions

Micro interaction has the potential to entice the visitors to interact more. The little details make the website interactive and satisfying for the users. Facebook is an example of original micro interaction. A smart trick would be to create habits or reward users for completing a specific task like adding a product in the cart, checking out, reviewing a product, or subscribing to email newsletter etc.

4. Long scrolls and sticky navigation panel

Long scrolls and sticky navigation panel can give a great push to the e-commerce sites. Fixed navigation panel is not something new but it’s not so common. The website designers have now started to integrate this into their sites as it will be the central design in 2018. This is one way of improving the website experience. Keep them engaged with the navigation pattern to make their stay favorable on your site.

5. Speed and security is a concern

Every e-commerce website should not compromise on providing speed and security to its clients. Speed matters, if your site fails to load within 5 to 7 seconds there’s a high chance visitor will leave the site and won’t visit the site again. They will get a poor website experience and won’t recommend it to any of their friends. You need to provide a site with quick load time. In addition, customers look for a secured website that can allow them to make secure payments through their cards. Your website needs to keep things privately and provide security in every way.

6. Fast delivery with free shipping

Apart from all the facilities, this one stands out. Customers find websites really flexible who provide quick delivery with free shipping. This automatically adds a plus point to their shopping experience. Many websites have been providing this facility for a long time and in the upcoming year they will expectedly increase more and provide users products whenever they need.  This is one way of keeping your website updated with the trends.

7. Motion animation and GIF’s

Motion animation and GIF’s are gaining a greater number of audience to the e-commerce website. Users can get a good user experience when they find a website having animations. They help deliver a fun and enjoyable shopping experience to the users and encourage them to revisit again. Businesses that aim at providing a great user experience and great conversion rate integrate animation to offer great visit to their website.

8. Plenty of call to action

This might seem like a common trend but this trend will never fade. Every designer should integrate plenty of call to actions on their website to give visitors a user-friendly experience. Using bold colors, fonts, and call to action will make the website exploration easy. Adding “click here” “register now” or “buy now” button will simplify their visit. Make the cart and products easy to find. Add the search bar to allow users to search for products easily.

9. Emphasize on video content

Video content is expected to trend in 2018. Ever since YouTube and Facebook started sharing videos there is a rise in this trend. Videos can be used to tell a story of a product line and it has the potential to leave an impression on the audience. Since video posting is considered to be an excellent way to communicate and convey information, this year will see a lot of websites concentrating on implementing video content on their websites.

10. Hamburgers on the left

Hamburger trends have been in the market for long but they’re now becoming more of a trend and will continue to be in the future. Hamburger menus have been popular and have made an integral part in part of the bootstrap framework. In 2018, expectedly you’re going to see a slight difference in the hamburger menu as you will see the menus on the left. This change will greatly grab the audience’s eye and will be seen first thing on the website.

Wrapping up

E-commerce has been going through a severe competition in the recent times, therefore, it’s important for web owners to come up with new designs and keep up with the latest trends to offer their clients best website experience. Make use of the above-mentioned trends in your design to help gain an effective site.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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