How To Attain God’s Purpose In Your Youth By Chris Oyakhilome


As you grow old, your physical appearance changes and your mental capacity develop. Youth is viewed as both a mental state and a physiological stage in the life of a human being.

This demographic group refers to people who are young, energetic, and different from other age groups. This age group is on the onset of growing into adulthood, but they have not yet matured.

Today’s youth is characterized by a higher literacy level than any other age group in existence. Technology influences how the modern youth lives because most of the youth do not know of a world without the internet.

The modern youth differs from other groups of youth that existed before. This is because the youth are more connected to each other through social media than before. They do not ascribe to the societal values held by previous generations.

They are more ambitious, appreciate cultures different from theirs, and they are more aware of who they are in comparison to other generations of youth.

Growing in a digital era has a myriad of challenges. Social media contributes to low self-esteem among the youth. Increased self-dependency contributes to single-parent homes.

These homes affect today’s youth because of the diminished attention and guidance a child from such a family receives. Drug abuse is also a common phenomenon that robs today’s youth of their future.

Today’s youth has access to a lot of information. Their brains are more mature than they should be. The access to information and influence from the media leads the youth into partaking in activities meant for adults, such as sex and alcoholism.

The media also portrays materialism as the measure of success; therefore, the youth view material wealth as the key to happiness. This degrades the mentality of hard work to achieve wealth. The media have washed the moral discipline of hard work, perseverance, and patience away.

These and other examples show how much the lives of many youths have been jeopardized. So what remedies exist? We cannot do away with technology, media, drugs, alcohol and other elements that ail today’s youth.

The solution lies in assisting the youth to realize themselves from an individual perspective. Once they know who they are and their purpose, the youth have to be assisted in overcoming the challenges they face.

Religion is the best way to strengthen the resolve of the youth and push them towards achieving their purpose in life. God created us with a distinct purpose and equipped each one of us with unique capabilities. To realize this, the youth need guidance from their predecessors.

International Easter Youth Camp is a global event that aims to bring together youth from different backgrounds together and help them grow towards their God-given destiny. This annual event is suitable for youth between 13 and 21 years.

The 8-day event aims to educate and enlighten the youth on how to overcome the challenges they encounter. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome hosts this program.

During the international youth camp, the youth are taught how to discover their talent and use them for the service of humanity and the achievement of God’s purpose and destiny in their lives.


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