Put Your Best Face Forward: Top Skincare Products for Every Skin Type


Are you looking for easy and effective ways to improve your skincare routine? Are you looking to get more out of taking care of yourself? Because you can and you deserve it!

Discover these easy tricks to put your best face forward for glowing and healthy skin. Your skin is, after all, your body’s first immune defense against the world, let’s show it some gratitude while boosting your confidence, shall we?

Facial Routines

Everyone’s skin is different, and everyone’s routine is different. The vital fact to remember here is that you are actively participating in your skincare routine. Whether you need to switch it up or are just looking to try something new, we’ll start with the basics.


Beginning and ending your day with clean skin is a must! Good for dry and oily skin, activated charcoal soap is the detox product must for your face. Either way, avoid cleansers that foam.


Taking a cotton ball with toner to your skin after cleansing can help reduce redness and inflammation. Check out natural astringents like Witch Hazel, especially if you have dry, itchy skin.


Is a must. Generally, your day cream would be lighter and have SPF to protect your skin, while your night cream would be a little thicker and hydrating.


Our skin works hard to rejuvenate itself, sloughing off about 9 lbs a year! Give it a little help with an uplifting sugar or coffee scrub.


If you haven’t jumped on the essential oil train, then now is the time! The ultimate in natural skincare routines, there’s an oil for all types. Essential oils are very potent and must first be diluted by a base oil.

Popular Base Oils:

Jojoba Oil –  Great for all skin types, light-weight, and anti-inflammatory

Argan Oil – For dry, or aging skin; loaded with Vitamin E

Evening Primrose Oil – light-weight choice for oily skin types, tons of Omega 6 fatty acids

Finding the best skincare products can take patience, don’t forget to have fun while you try new things.

Facial Massages

Massages are beneficial in so many ways, but we rarely think about our facial muscles as being sore or needing a rub. Massage stimulates blood flow, encourages movement in the lymphatic system, reduces inflammation, and is an awesome self-care act of kindness toward yourself.

You can massage while washing, moisturizing, masking, exfoliating, etc. You can massage in the morning, afternoon, or evening. This is a very versatile tool for your skin.

Massage Basics

  • Start at the top and massage your way down and out
  • Palms make circles on the forehead
  • Tap gently around your eyes, starting at the inner corner
  • Fingers run from the nose to the temples in a ‘U’
  • Draw lines with the fingers from the chin to the ears

One of the best ways to relax into your new skincare routine is by adding Lavender essential oil to your favorite carrier oil and practicing these techniques before jumping into bed.

Putting Your Best Face Forward 

Tackling your external skincare routine can absolutely change your life. Yet, to truly put your best face forward really only requires a smile: here’s the science.

When you’re happy, healthy, and having fun with your skincare products and routine, then it will surely show.

Sometimes the best medicine can come from simply talking to your dermatologist with any concerns. Or, if you own a dermatology practice and want to re-organize and update your systems to bring your clients the best skincare products, oils, and massages out there, this software has you covered.

Stay hydrated and keep smiling! Your best face is yet to come 🙂


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