Everything You Need to Know about Masterclass


The 21st century is a great time for learning. Never before have we had so much information at our fingertips, and access to learning resources online is simple and quick. As a result, many teaching platforms have been created, along with a wide range of apps and online study courses, so how do you find one that will give you what you need? There is one resource that is making great waves in the online education world. It’s called MasterClass, and it is a learning resource with a difference.

Designed to be fun as well as informative and education, MasterClass is going from strength to strength – it’s a relatively new resource with just a few years beneath its belt – so how does it differ from other online teaching applications? Put simply, you really do learn from the masters! If you check out this Education Speaks Masterclass Review you will see what we mean, and below, we will talk in a little more detail about what MasterClass offers and how you can benefit from it.

Learn From Experts

MasterClass takes the form of a series of videos, and here’s where it gets its unique selling point. The videos are presented by and feature prominent people in the field you want to learn about. By prominent, we mean actual, masters of their art, people you will have heard of. Usually, such teaching aids will present you with someone you have never heard of, backed up by their qualifications and achievements.

Take the MasterClass course in singing, for example, and you tutor is Christina Aguilera. If you want a tutorial in tennis, who better to give you tuition than Serena Williams? The list goes on, and every one of the people you learn from is of that level of star quality. What subjects can you learn, and how does it work?

The list of areas of learning is comprehensive. You can learn about cooking from legends such as Gordon Ramsay, writing via Dan Brown, performing arts from none other than Samuel L Jackson, and many more subjects. There are courses in business, politics and various areas of the arts, so everything is covered at MasterClass. It’s no surprise that it has been getting some high-profile coverage in the press and online, as it really is a unique and impressive product. So, how does MasterClass work?

How MasterClass Works

MasterClass is presented as a series of videos. Usually, each video is about 15 minutes long, and the number for each class varies. Some are theory based, others involve practical exercises, and they are all produced professionally, and are clear and easy to hear and watch. They are entertaining as well as informative, and keep the viewer engaged. The short duration of the videos is a clever touch as it means there is not too much to take in each time, and leaves the viewer wanting to learn more.

MasterClass also offers a series of workbooks – these are very useful and well-curated – and uses what it calls ‘Playlists’. These are effectively previews – around 10 minutes in length – in which you are taken through a few snippets of different experts in the subject, as a precursor to what the course will involve. There’s also a community hub which allows users to talk with others.

Is MasterClass worth checking out? The number of notable persons involved in the presentations is growing all the time, and the subjects available cover a wide range of options, so if you want to engage in online learning, it is certainly worth checking out, and it’s great fun too.


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