What to Do if You’re in an Accident?


Have you been looking for ways to help extend the life of your car? From putting a Colgan custom bra on it to making sure you have the right insurance, keeping your car looking its best is key to getting the most out of it when you sell it. But sometimes, accidents happen. Here is a look at what you should if you are in an accident.

If You Are A Rookie

If you have never been involved in a car accident, count your blessings. If you have just had your first car accident, go see a lawyer. There is a lot to consider when you are involved in an accident. You will need guidance in filing your insurance claim and then know what to do if your insurance claim is denied. What if the police report is incorrect in describing the events of the accident? Many hurdles may arise during the process of settling your case and a car accident lawyer can help you if questions or issues arise. It is better to contact a lawyer immediately so things you say cannot be misconstrued and used negatively in your case.

Long-Term Injuries

Proving your long-term injuries or permanent disability, as a result of an accident, can become a battle. You will need help in estimating the potential damages you could recover and a car accident lawyer can help you figure the value of your case. Most insurances will look at the type of injury, the time it will take to recover, and the medical expenses involved. Proving the damage will take time and patience. A good accident lawyer will work to make a strong case for you. This can involve talking with the insurance company, contacting your medical professionals, and handling a massive amount of paperwork. Knowing they are working hard on your behalf can relieve stress and allow you to focus on health and recovery.

Disputed Liability

Many times an insurance company may question the liability of the owner. This could mean they question whether you were at fault or whether you should get the insured amount as outlined in your policy. Worst-case scenario, the company says they are not responsible for any payment. These are all situations where you would definitely want to have a car accident lawyer. If an insurance company is acting in bad faith, by refusing to pay or not paying promptly, a lawyer can help you fight for justice. Someone who specializes in this field will have a great deal of knowledge to handle and defend your case and make sure you get what you deserve.

Damage to Property

If your car is damaged as the result of a wreck or collision, at no fault of yours, you may want to get a car accident lawyer. While property damage is generally easier to resolve than injury claims, multiple things can go wrong. If your car needs to be repaired, the insurance should provide a rental car at no cost to you. To ensure your car is repaired correctly, the insurance should allow you to take your vehicle to a reputable repair shop. You will be assigned a property damage claim adjuster, and if you are dealing with an adjuster who does not want to give you a fair dollar amount for the damages incurred, or the value of your automobile, you will need help getting what is rightfully yours.


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