Three Ways To Improve The Results Of Your Employee Training Initiatives


No employee training initiative is perfect.

Training employees is a journey in which organisations must make continuous efforts to keep up with the ever changing training landscape, the continuously evolving business landscape, and the changing needs of modern learners.

Thanks to the volatile nature of all the things that influence employee training, one can always find ways to make their employee training efforts more effective and more impact.

If you too, are wondering how you can improve the outcomes of your employee training program, try one of the following tips:

1Develop Custom Training Content

Custom training content can turn out to be the single most important asset in your company’s employee training arsenal.

With training content that is tailored to the needs of your organisation, you can make sure the training experience is meaningful, targeted, and relatable.

For instance, if you are using off-the-shelf training content, chances are that the training video or course comprises information about a number of things that have no relation to your the day to day responsibilities of your employees.

With custom training content, you can design a training experience that gets to the point right at the beginning. This way, you can make the training more meaningful for your employees, while also cutting short the time to complete the training, which will have direct cost benefits to the bottom line of your business.

The best part is, developing custom training content today costs a fraction of what it used to cost in the past. This means, even bootstrapped businesses can partner with elearning authoring companies and get access to professional grade custom training content without breaking the bank.

If you find that outsourcing is a bit too pricey, and are comfortable doing things yourself, you can also invest in an authoring software. With preloaded tools and templates, an authoring tool will enable you to create high quality custom training content even if you have no prior experience with the same.

2Effective Communication Of Goals And Outcomes

In many cases, the cause behind poor results of an employee training initiative is because it is not able to engage the learners (employees). This can be for multiple reasons. One of the more common reasons behind disengagement and disinterest of learners in a training is that they don’t understand its importance.

Using our example of off-the-shelf training content from the previous section, we can imagine that employees would be least interested in knowing about the parts of training that don’t directly relate to their professional responsibilities.

For this reason, it is important for organisations and learning administrators to clearly communicate the outcomes and benefits of the training they are providing.

Besides communicating the learning outcomes and their benefits at the beginning of the training, it is also a good idea to communicate the specific learning outcomes and benefits of each training session or module before the beginning of a training session or class.

3Offer Flexibility And Accessibility

A rigid training structure can quickly become a deterrent for even the most curious and motivated learners.

Therefore, you must think about making your training more flexible and accessible. This means, instead of delivering all training sessions in an online class, consider delivering a portion of the training as self-paced training. Similarly, you can record, edit, and make the online instructor led sessions available to your learners.

This way, learners that miss a live training session for whatever reason will be able to watch the recorded sessions to make up for lost time. Such videos will also act as a valuable training asset for employees that may need to brush up on some information before going into the field.


These were just a few of the plethora of ways businesses can improve the results of their training initiatives.

How do you optimise the training experience and its results at your organisation? Share with us in the comment section below.


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