UPSC CDS -The Easier Way Out of Preparations!


The UPSC CDS Admit Card is expected to be released by 8th November 2020 for the CDS II exam. This implies that the UPSC CDS Result will be released by the end of the year. It has, however, been noticed that many aspiring candidates often find it hard to apply for these examinations. But, Do not fear, for we are here!! After years of interacting with students we have been able to identify what are the underlying causes that create these obstacles.

Make sure you read, re-read and remember the points below to have an easy-breezy experience.

Set reminder for updates

We now live in a world of Artificial Intelligence, life is only meant to become simpler. It is therefore important that we stay at par with technology and use it to the optimum. It’s easier to set reminders than remembering things which can be easily taken care of. All one needs to do is take that smart phone and say those magical words, ‘OK Google…set a reminder for…. .’ or for the more niche crowd, ‘Siri.. set a reminder for…’. You are now sorted when it comes to never missing an important event.

Stable internet connection

India has the cheapest internet services around the world. Yes, you read that right, around the world. But inspite of this, many candidates pay the least attention to this basic requirement while applying online for competitive exams. Having a stable internet connection is the foremost step in making the arduous process of form filling a happy experience.

Registration ID and Password

We firmly believe that here is absolutely no need to clutter your mind with information that can be securely stored elsewhere. Avoiding resetting a password a millionth time by clicking on ‘Forgot Password’ and waiting for an OTP to be sent to your registered email address and/or mobile number, is just too time consuming, cumbersome and .. yes we said it, ‘annoying’. It’s safer and better to enter such details on your phone, email, or any digital space.

Copy of Documents

Your documents are a proof of your identity and therefore, it is very important that a frenzied search for them is the last thing on a candidate’s itinerary. We therefore advice the candidates to only keep a copy of the documents at arms length. The original documents must be kept safely. However,it is imperative to note that the original document must be taken to the exam hall without fail.

Tackle discrepancies immediately

There is a saying, ‘Better late than never’, however, being late in tackling any discrepancies between your admit card and IDs can cost you an entire year. Once the admit card has been printed, a candidate must check all the details- Candidate’s full name, father’s name, DOB, address, etc. Any inconsistencies should be alerted to the authorised board and should be rectified to avoid rejection.

Mental Preparation and Health

Last but not the least, mental preparation is the most ignored aspect while preparing for any stressful situation. Every day, we read numerous articles on how it is important that we pay as much attention to mental health as to our physical being; and everyday we end up forgetting about it, discarding it as the least of our concerns. Competitive exams are stressful, the number of candidates applying every year makes it even more stressful, it is therefore important that candidates understand that taking a break to free themselves from the stress is going to be more helpful than locking yourself for hours preparing and living under stress.

We can’t really provide you a 100% guarantee that you will clear your exam, that is entirely how you plan your strategy; we can however guarantee that if you make a note of the points discussed above, you shall never fear the online process. If you have anything else that you would want us to discuss, please feel free to mention it in the comments below. Until then, stay safe and get those books out!

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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