5 Tips for Students Who Hate Writing


As part of their learning, students write a lot while in college. Writing becomes an integrate part of our life even after graduation. For example, you will find yourself writing business proposals, case studies, and mission statements, among others. The specifics depend on the niche and your position.

Nevertheless, writing doesn’t go well with all students. Some hate it passionately. Some find it stressful and laborious to do all the research needed in order to produce a worthy paper. Some just do not believe they have ability or skills to write well and prefer to seek help from writing sites like Essay Web.Whichever the reason you hate writing, the following tips will help you to find joy in the process.

Make an outline

What do you want to say? You must be certain of what you want to convey before you write anything. This is essential, otherwise you risk rambling and going nowhere with your writing.

When it comes to research,follow the given set of guidelines. These guidelines are there to make it easier for you to discriminate between trustworthy sources and some less desirable ones. True and undistorted information will help you produce valuable and compelling papers.

In addition, the basic elements of academic essay should be in place. For example, the introduction should contain the thesis statement. The body of the essay usually consists of separate paragraphs, each of them dealing with a specific issue, fact, or argument. The conclusion sums up everything you’ve recited in your essay. It should also live up to the thesis statement.

Perfect your grammar, punctuation and style

Some students write essays packed with grammatical and spelling errors,and the punctuation is all over the place. Such essays earn them low grades, which they see as a punishment instead of feedback (“D for all my troubles? Why did I even bother?”). No wonder writing makes them miserable.

Luckily, there are many tools to help you improve. First, there are built-in spellcheckers. Even if you turn those off to save time and prevent distraction while you are in the zone typing away, make sure you turn them back on for editing and proofreading – this will save you a lot of embarrassment. Then, there are online editors like Hemingway and Grammarly. They will show you subtler errors in grammar and style (such as excessive use of passive voice, confused words, etc.)

Use the right vocabulary

Anytime you do your writing, keenly consider the language you are using. The words are the threads you are weaving into the canvas of your text. Choose your words according to the overall impression you want to create. For example, in essays, you are expected to write persuasive and intelligent argument. That means that you should avoid colloquialisms and jargon, and use emotionally charged words with moderation.

Use the words of which meaning you are sure, and do not succumb to temptation to use long bookish words only for the sake of sounding smarter. Make sure your language is clear and easy to understand. Do not make your reader work deciphering each sentence.

Analyze each fact critically

You should back up each statement with solid facts. Do not depend entirely on the evidence you have elicited from your own research – question the evidence you have, check it with facts from other trusted sources. This is a good practice in academic writing in general and in essay writing in particular. This shows that you are capable of critical thinking.

Be thorough with the facts you use. Some of the information you get from the internet can be distorted and twisted, even if the author quotes reliable sources. Always try to find the original research.

Get help with your work

Some students, try as they might, can’t write the essays the way they are required to. This leaves them disappointed and frustrated, and their scores negatively affected. If this is your case, do not hesitate to get help. Turn to your college writing center, where they provide you with all necessary materials and advice that is applicable to your situation (lack of time, lack of practice, medical condition, English is not your first language, etc.)

Writing doesn’t have to be stressful. With these tips, you will find it easy to pen every assignment with ease and on time. Remember, practice makes perfect!


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