Tips to Keep Your Home Secure While You Are Away


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you may have spent most of the last year safely at home.

But as more people get vaccinated and virus numbers start to drop, business and leisure travel will probably begin to return to their pre-pandemic levels of normal.

If you routinely traveled for business, or regularly went out of town to visit friends and family, it has been a while since you’ve had to think about properly securing your home and belongings to keep them safe during your absence.

To refresh your memory on how to ensure that everything is secure when you head out in the near future on a trip, please consider the following tips:

Secure Every Single Door, Including the Dog’s

A couple of weeks before leaving on your trip, take some time to carefully inspect all of your doors to be sure they are in great shape, the hinges are in good condition and that the locks are in solid working order. This will give you plenty of time to do any needed repairs or replacements prior to leaving town. If you have a large mail slot in the front door, consider adding a lock to it; the same goes for your doggy door. Most doggy doors can accommodate a large breed like a Rottweiler or Doberman with ease, so a burglar can also use it to slip into your home undetected—especially since they often open up to the backyard. Consider changing out your doggy door to a new one that has a lock, or add a locking security device to your existing one.

Invest in a Home Monitoring System

You were around so much during the pandemic, you may have put your plans to invest in a home security service on the back burner. Now that you’ll be getting on a plane in a few weeks to go on a business or pleasure trip, it is time to research home security companies and invest in a user-friendly home monitoring system that can provide you and your home with 24/7 service. When you are away from home, knowing that you have a state-of-the-art home monitoring service keeping tabs on your property, precious pets and possessions can provide you with invaluable peace of mind.

Let There Be Light

Which home do you think burglars prefer? The one that is pitch black with not a single light on in the interior or exterior, or the one that is lit up like a proverbial Christmas tree? If you answered “the dark one,” you are correct. To discourage bad guys from choosing your home to burglarize, make sure you have plenty of indoor and outdoor lighting up and running. For the exterior, add a combination of spotlights, underground well lights, pathway lighting and other types of lighting to illuminate both your home and the landscaping. This way, a crook can’t hide in a large un-lit bush and access a window. For both your interior and exterior lighting, put everything on timers so they will come on in the early evening and keep your home looking lived in all night long.

Enjoy Your Time Away

After being at home so much, it may feel a tad odd to be packing a suitcase and getting ready to head out. But by checking and locking your doors, adding a home security monitoring system and installing exterior lighting, your time away will be stress-free and enjoyable as you are confident in the knowledge that your home is well-secured.


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