How to Increase Customer Traffic to Your Brick and Mortar Store


Are you looking to attract more people to your retail store? With online shopping on the rise, it may seem hard to compete if you own a brick and mortar store.

But with some savvy branding, clean displays, kindness, and persistence, you can attract customers to your store. Keep reading to learn a few ways you can build customer traffic!

Add Some Color and Flair To Your Space

What’s one of the easiest ways to capture anyone’s attention? Color! In a retail setting, color plays into people’s emotions and impacts the buying decisions they make.

Hang some bold flags outside your store to alert people to its presence. Add some vivid flowers on either side of your entrance to draw interest and communicate that you are a welcoming space.

When people enter, they want to know where to start and have a sense of clarity. Make sure all of your inventory is neatly arranged and easy to navigate. Keep the aisles big enough to accommodate several people.

And opt for clean displays that seem fresh and modern — but with enough warmth to make people want to stay. No one wants to feel like they’ve walked into a store from the ’80s.

Attract Customer Traffic With Strong Lighting

This applies to both the inside of your store as well as the outside. Don’t overlook the importance of good, clear lighting. You want to show off your products, right?

Outside your store, make sure that everything is illuminated clearly, too. Nighttime shoppers will feel more secure, and you’ll be obvious to people driving by. A commercial led light fixture will provide ample light to your property!

Have a Strong Online Presence

Having a good website might seem like it goes against the idea of creating more foot traffic in a brick and mortar store, but it can work in your favor. By having a solid web presence, you can let people shop online and then pick up their products in your store.

You might even be able to capitalize on another sale when people walk through and see other tempting items!

Offer the Best Customer Service

One of the biggest draws of brick and mortar stores is the presence of good customer service. Online, customer service means talking to a robot and getting a canned response. When you’re talking in-person with a customer as an owner or salesperson, you have much more influence.

Smile warmly and offer to answer any questions when customers enter the store. Don’t follow people as they check out the merchandise (because that would be creepy) but do be available when anyone has a question or needs you to check on inventory.

The Bottom Line

When you want more customer traffic in your store, a few simple changes can make all the difference. Pay attention to things like your displays and lighting, and aim to offer quality (but not overbearing) customer service.

When you’re ready to add a few more ideas to your toolkit, check back with us for more articles!

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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