Heal Bruises Faster With Natural Remedies At Home


The simple injuries that take place on the skin when a small blood vessel gets harmed and the skin tissues make them visible from the outside. After causing damage to the blood vessels, Bruises leave either a black or a dark blue mark on the skin for a certain period of time. Bruises are common in children as sometimes minor accidents result in bruises all over the skin. Adults have an equal chance of getting small bruises as kids. Normally, a bruise occurs when the blood comes out of the vessels and then the bluish mark ensnares it.

Some of the Basic Home Remedies for Bruises

  • One of the best natural home remedies for bruises is to have vitamin C as it is known for its best healing properties. It is a great idea to add Vitamin C to your daily food intake. It is revealed by a research organization that the people who lack vitamin C are more vulnerable to bruises and once they get a bruise; their body’s healing process is quite slow.
  • A good home remedy for bruises in small children who avoid using ice packs, an effective idea is to spread a little margarine on the bruise. Margarine will help to settle the bruise and fasten the healing process. You will see, after a while, the inflammation will also be reduced.
  • Raw onion proves to be an effective natural home remedy for all types of bruises and when the skin is not broken or infected from anywhere. Applying a slice of onion on the specific area will help your skin to begin the healing process.
  • Cold water is an effective and most considered natural treatment for bruises. Cold water not only reduces the swelling but also prevents the pain and inflammation.
  • A kitchen natural remedy for bruises is a raw egg. When an uncooked egg is applied on the bruise in circular form, your bruise starts to heal quickly.
  • Cabbage is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and juices and leaves of cabbage can help you to cure the bruises effectively.

Black and blue marks on the skin are known as skin bruises. Due to highly active nature, kids get such bruises all the time. But adults even get these bruises due to some kinds of injuries or accidents. As an individual grows, the skin tissues become weaker. That is the reason why elderly people get a number of bruises even for the simpler reasons.

There are various natural home remedies for bruises that can give relieve the pain in short period of time. Include lots of fruits and raw veggies in your diet so that it can give you plenty of vitamins C and vitamin K. even if after two weeks of getting the injury, the bruise does not heal, then call your doctor.

Along with bruises if you get pus around that area, then you need to visit your doctor. A good treatment for bruises in small children is Arnica. The tincture of arnica is added with a little water and a mixture is made and applied on the affected area with the help of a cloth bandage. This home remedy fastens the healing process.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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