10 Essentials for Your Beginner Gaming Setup


The latest statistics about gaming will blow your mind. Check out this one:

There are more than 2.2 billion mobile gamers around the world nowadays! Throw in the vast numbers of people who game on PCs and consoles and you start to realize the extent of this industry. Its growth has been nothing short of astronomical.

Are you about to jump on the big gaming bandwagon? Well, it pays to invest in an appropriate beginner gaming setup. With the right gear at your disposal, you’ll be comfier, more effective, and enjoy a better all-around experience to boot.

Sound good but don’t know where to begin? Let us help! Check out these 10 essential components of a gaming setup for beginners.

1A Good Gaming Personal Computer

This suggestion won’t apply to people who prefer playing video games on consoles like the Xbox or PlayStation. But for someone who wants the ultimate experience (in terms of graphics, affordability, and versatility), investing in a good PC for gaming will be key. Note the word ‘good’ instead of ‘great’, though…

Trust us, the best PCs for gaming can cost thousands of dollars! Spending that much as a beginner isn’t always sensible. After all, if you lose interest in this hobby after a few months, you’d have wasted your hard-earned money.

A mid-range model should do the trick. They’ll cost less, yet still have the power, speed, and graphics capability that are required to operate modern games. Oh, and don’t forget to source a monitor with good color accuracy and response times!

2A TV Screen or Projector

Want to take your gaming experience to a whole new level? Think about swapping the PC monitor for a big TV screen. You could even buy an HD projector to cast the images onto a plain wall in your room.

There are multiple benefits to taking either approach. First and foremost, you’d experience your games on a much larger scale. That means no more squinting at tiny screens and suffering from the ensuing eye soreness.

Furthermore, these gaming essentials will immerse you in the action in a whole new way. Imagine playing Minecraft, Fortnite, or Red Dead Redemption on a wall-sized screen! You’d notice details you might have missed on a standard computer, play with life-sized characters, and escape into the storyline like never before.

3An Ergonomic Gaming Chair

Imagine spending an entire day playing video games in an uncomfortable chair with minimal back support. It’s a recipe for disaster! Before long, you could expect to experience soreness in your back, shoulders, and neck, among others.

That’s why ergonomic gaming chairs are so important to your setup. A lifeline for avid gamers, these seating solutions offer high backrests, hydraulics, adjustable elements (such as pillows), tilting capabilities, and foam padding. All told, your body’s supported and held in a better posture while you go about your business.

Not only is this more comfortable, but it’ll also help to prevent injuries and strains. You can game for longer without having to worry (as much!) about your physical wellbeing.

4An Ergonomic Gaming Computer Keyboard and Mouse

Your lower back isn’t the only body part that can suffer as a result of gaming. Play for too long using standard computer mice and keyboards and it’s a matter of time before your wrists, fingers, hands, and forearms start to hurt too. The result?

It’s worth investing in ergonomic alternatives that are purpose-built for gamers. These items will protect your wrists, prevent strains from occurring, and optimize your gaming experience to boot. To reap the best outcomes, we recommend paying for high-quality, wireless versions.

In both cases, you’ll experience zero lag, newfound functionality, and easy access to crucial keys/buttons. Wireless products would enable you to sit back from your desk (more on this coming up), settle into a comfier position, and rest your eyes in the process.

5A Gaming Desk

No ultimate gaming setup is complete without a proper gaming desk! An item that’s often overlooked by new gamers, it makes a significant difference to the overall experience.

For example, imagine trying to progress in a PC game on a desk that’s too small, too cramped, and lacks storage space. It’d be inconvenient, impractical, and awkward. There’d be wires everywhere, nowhere to put your drinks/snacks, and so on.

That’s where a purpose-built gaming desk comes into play. Large, spacious, and versatile, they’ll fit all of your gaming equipment, have drawers for your games and controllers, and be height-adjustable to accommodate your specific physical requirements.

6A Premium Sound System

High-quality graphics are essential when it comes to PC and video games. That’s why it pays to purchase first-rate monitors, TVs, or projectors. However, you’ll never enjoy gaming at its finest unless you have a sound system that’s up to the task as well.

Why? Because audio is another core element of the overall user experience.

You only have to try gaming with the sound switched off to realize this for yourself. It transforms the game in a negative way, making it less emotive, less gripping, and more mundane. Playing with poor sound-quality isn’t much better.

Given the impact that audio has on the experience, we recommend buying the best set of speakers you can afford. It’ll provide the auditory equivalent of switching from standard to Full HD graphics! You’ll feel immersed in the game in a whole new way, hearing every last detail that its creators included in the backing track and sound effects.

7A Soundproofed Space

Having premium speakers is similar to having someone who plays the drums in the house. As impressive as they might be on the instrument, the cacophony it causes inevitably disrupts everyone else inside the property! To avoid conflict, we recommend doing what you can to soundproof the room in which you’re going to game.

You could hire a professional company to come and do this for you, but the DIY approach should suffice (and save you some money as a result). Start by getting hold of thick foam pieces, carpet, and something you can use to seal the doors/windows. Placing the foam around the walls, the carpet on the floor, and the seal around any gaps in door and window frames should reduce the level of noise that can escape from the room.

8A Headset

If soundproofing seems like too much hard work, consider buying a gaming headset instead. Your family, friends, and neighbors will enjoy total silence without you having to sacrifice on sound! Of course, using a headset negates the need for speakers, so keep that in mind if you expect to use it a lot.

An added bonus of proper gaming headsets is that they usually come with microphones attached. That means you can interact with friends and strangers when you’re playing online. You could even record your comments, post the recording to YouTube (alongside footage of the gameplay), and start to gather an audience.

Top tip: avoid using your headset all the time- especially if you like gaming with the volume up high. Don’t, and you can do long-term damage to your hearing.

9A Storage Solution

Having a storage solution will make a big difference as you improve at gaming and start amassing new gear and games. With enough shelf-space and storage boxes to hand, you’ll be able to keep everything organized and in place! That’s good news as far as tidiness goes.

However, the most important advantage of these storage solutions is that they’ll prevent your expensive equipment from getting damaged. You won’t have to worry about stepping on games, spilling drinks on controllers, or your dog chewing loose wires, and so on. Everything will be put away, out of reach, and safe from harm.

10A Set of Mood Lights

Mood lighting can put the finishing touches to an awesome gaming setup. There’s nothing better than having some ambient light to set the mood, facilitate focus, and make the on-screen colors pop out as you play. Install smart lights and you can sync special lighting effects with whatever’s happening in the game!

Be sensible with the location of your lighting though. Some people make the mistake of installing it in front of their screen, which can both distract you and detract from the graphics. Placing lights behind your screen (whether it’s a TV or PC monitor) will deliver the best results.

Remember These Essentials for Your Beginner Gaming Setup

Gaming has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. Not only are more people playing video games than ever before, but they’re also competing on international stages and making serious sums of money in the process! If you’re planning to enter this wonderful world, it’s imperative to have a beginner gaming setup that accommodates the experience.

With any luck, the information in this post will help you do exactly that. Keep these insights in mind and you’ll be on your way to becoming a gamer in no time. To continue your education on similar subjects, search ‘gaming’ on the website now.


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