5 Easy Keto Lunches for the Girl on the Go


Being on the go means you need lunches that you can easily make and eat. You also need nourishing meals, and the following will give you some ideas.

1Taco Salad

One of the quickest keto lunch ideas is a simple taco salad bowl. All you need is a salad with some regular taco meat you might have made the night before.

You may want to season the salad with a little chili, cumin, and pepper so that it complements your taco meat. This may sound crazy, but it works. It’s filling, and you can take it with you wherever you go. Make sure you get a container that can keep your veggies as fresh as possible, and try to place your container in a cooler or fridge as soon as you can.

2Turkey Tortilla

Everyone knows how easily you can make a meal with tortillas, but you are staying away from the traditional version. What you can do is replace your tortilla with a nice piece of turkey deli meat.

Yes, this thin piece can replace a tortilla, and if you look at it that way, the possibilities are endless. Instead of wrapping your cheese in a tortilla, all you need is this turkey meat. Pack a few of those meats in your lunch box along with interesting fillers like cheese, dried meat like pepperoni, or whatever else you can think of adding.

3Sloppy Zucchini Noodles

Everyone loves zucchini noodles, but you’ll love them a little more if you pour chili over them when the time is right. Make your zucchini noodles like you normally would and put them in your lunch box. The chili could be made a day or a week in advance.

You know how long chili can last, so making this specific meal is going to give you all sorts of possibilities for a few days during the week. Make sure you add some protein powder to give it that healthy punch everyone wants in their foods. Pour the chili on your noodles when you are ready to eat.

4Hard-Boiled Eggs Dish

People tend to forget that eggs are a complete meal. Now, you don’t want to take scrambled eggs with you because that rarely tastes good when they aren’t fresh but hard-boiled eggs do. Make a few of them, peel them, and pack them in your lunch box.

Add a few sides to your dish like string cheese or maybe some cucumber slices with a nice french dip for your slices. Of course, these are just a few ideas. You can add whatever you want to your hard-boiled egg dish. Remember, the secret to perfect hard-boiled eggs is that you only let them boil for exactly seven minutes and not any longer than that.

5Bacon Chips

Instead of eating your bacon as one large piece, why not break it apart into a few pieces to make chips. You can use those chips like you would any regular chips. Go ahead and pack a dip that you know is going to last, like an onion dip or hummus; some daring people even make some guacamole.

Remember that guacamole doesn’t last too long, so make sure you are going to be eating your dip sooner rather than later. Add a few side dishes to your meal like string cheese or some of your favorite types of nuts like almonds or walnuts to help you get through the day.

Try to be creative with your lunches, and stick to small portions of food so that you don’t go over your limit for the day. Talk to your dietitian to see if he or she could give you some additional tips or recipes to try.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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