The Role of Social Media in Changing the Experience of Cancer Patients


Since the Internet’s inception, it has been instrumental in the advancement of medical technology and education. But nowadays, the platform that was once merely a source of information has evolved into an interactive tool. In healthcare, there are various industries and organizations involved. We will take a closer look at the role of the Internet – social media in particular, in helping advance the cause of cancer support groups and other organizations involved in patient care and recovery.

Has social media made strides to further patient education?

Instead of remaining passive throughout treatment and recovery, cancer patients nowadays actively seek social media platforms to personalize their care. For example, you can submit a cancer support groups application via an app that allows you to connect with fellow patients, healthcare providers, and caregivers. These platforms not only provide an avenue to connect but also educate patients about treatment options or simply provide a channel where they get emotional assistance.

How do these platforms benefit patients?

Since cancer patients are more informed about their condition, they are no longer afraid to ask questions. Instead of seeing their doctors as authority figures, they now have a more collaborative relationship with their health care providers. Nowadays, through the Internet and social media channels, patients are actively involved in learning more about their condition. Armed with this knowledge, they approach their doctors with more confidence to find out more about their options.

What other changes in patient behavior occurred as a result of social media and other online platforms?

Although mostly beneficial, there is also a danger that patients may refer to unreliable and incorrect online sources. Indeed, there is no doubt that cancer patients today are well-informed, assertive, and confident in addressing their condition. But it is also essential to ensure that any information related to their diagnosis and treatment comes from reputable sources. There should be a conscious responsibility to engage in social platforms that positively affect the health and well-being of the patient, rather than harm with conflicting or unconfirmed data.

How do social media platforms fit into the picture?

Social media platforms can meet the immediate need of cancer patients looking for emotional support. When a patient can connect with other people who are going through the same experiences, they can freely share their fears, feelings, and hopes. In addition to providing information to patients, these platforms also allow patients to chat and talk about everyday life like ordinary friends.

Social media channels designed for cancer patients also have significant benefit for patients who have to travel far to seek treatment. These channels open communication with other patients who would otherwise not be part of their usual circle of friends.

How these social media platforms are helping raise awareness about cancer

Lastly, another change brought about by these channels is increasing the spread of awareness about cancer. Many organizations involved in researching treatment for cancer use social media to reach out to a broader audience. This way, not only do they get support from concerned individuals, but also have greater success with funding.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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