6 Characteristics an Agriculture Employee Should Have


Farming requires a lot of hard work and management. Most people underestimate farmers, thinking that it is a simple job that can be practiced by anyone. It is a complex activity that requires proper management and a lot of hard work. A successful manager should produce quality crops and optimal yields to manage farm sustainability and make a profit. The following characteristics show that these are not jobs for grey nomads.

1Skilled and Organized

A successful employee should account for the time spent on every farm activity and for the whole season. Based on the time spent, they should determine actions that took more time than it was allocated for, and track how it affects farm finances and further production.

Tracking work hours facilitates the decision making of future farm activities. This is based on hours spent on a particular activity; a farm employee can plan on the number of workers needed for future activities.

They should also assess each worker’s efficiency because when not monitored, some workers can rag behind. It also helps when determining the payment of each worker. This assessment also helps in calculating the costs when making future planning and finance management more comfortable.

2Open-Minded to New Technologies

Just like any other field, technology is taking over agriculture. Today, a farmer needs to be conversant with different farm sensors, advanced tractors, drones, farm management software, and other food production technologies. Agriculture is smart and a modernized activity that has outgrown the outdated farming activities.

The use of technology ensures excellent yields, minimal use of fertilizer, pesticides, and water, which lowers food prices. It also provides workers’ safety by reducing the effects of natural ecosystems, increased workers’ safety, and less runoff of chemicals.

3Listening and communication skills

A good farm worker should not only practice teamwork but also possess good listening skills. They should not interject their thoughts when other team members speak, as others may think that their opinions and ideas are irrelevant. They should also coordinate well with others and follow detailed instructions from managers and other farmers. Failure to practice these instructions can result in Livestock, crops, and, ultimately, farm income.

A good farm employee should also be a good communicator, but they should not be lost in staying organized and focusing on the problem. They should pass the message to their juniours without any ambiguity.

4Robustness and Resilience

Any farm employee should be physically fit since the majority of farming activities are physically demanding. They involve lifting heavy loads of produce and animal feeds. They are often on their feet and mostly use their hands to dig ditches, fix fences, and to tend to crops. Some are assigned strenuous activities such as that of handling large animals.

Agricultural workers spend most of their time outside in all kinds of weather. Exposure to harsh weather conditions may cause allergies and other illnesses to weak individuals. Healthy people record less or none of these sicknesses.

5Perseverance and cautious

A successful farmer needs to be a healthy person with a never give up attitude. For them to overcome all challenges, perseverance should be combined with passion. Mismanagement, Livestock or crop disease, harsh weather conditions may also affect the farming business. During this period, the employee needs to be patient.

Farm activities can be dangerous when exposed to pesticides, hazardous farm machines, and farm animals. Healthy employees will be able to withstand such conditions by practicing the necessary safety procedures.

6Problem Solving Abilities

A farm employee should be a creative thinker when faced with challenges and other setbacks. They should be courageous to provide solutions to problems that they encounter during their day to day activities on the farm. These unique characteristics distinguish hem from those who refer to books and other manuals for instructions.

An employee should have a strategic motive when implementing any technology to solve the problems. Factors to consider are: whether the technology will solve the problem, the cost of maintenance or the upgrades required if any, and whether the technology implemented will improve the profitability in the long term.

It’s not knowing what to do; it’s doing what you know. Adopt these six characteristics to be a thriving agricultural employee. Let your hard work ooze out passion.

Author Bio

Eric Reyes is a passionate thought leader having been featured in 50 distinguished online and offline platforms. His passion and knowledge in Finance and Business made him a sought after contributor providing valuable insights to his readers. You can find him reading a book and discussing current events in his spare time.

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