How CBD Oil Products For Pets Work


How much do you actually know about the effects off Cannabidiol on your animals? No, I’m not asking about the benefits and the dosages and the way that your animal reacts when you give it CBD oil. I have something a bit different in mind. Maybe I should rephrase the question. How much do you actually know about how Cannabidiol works in the bodies of your animals?

Instead of simply explaining the positive effects or the possible side effects of the products such as the ones you can find at Holistapet, we are taking a slightly different approach today. In few words, we are taking the scientific approach. The time has come to see what it is that makes our animals react to Cannabidiol so well.

If you think that I’m going to start complicating things, then you are wrong. In fact, you have a completely wrong idea about science, thinking that it complicates things when it actually makes things plain and simple. I understand, however, where you are coming from. You probably think that I’m going to make this incomprehensible to anyone but actual CBD researchers and scientists, but that’s not the case.

My goal today is to help everyone understand how and why CBD oil products for pets actually work. Click on this link and you will be amazed to read the number of ways CBD can be beneficial for animals. Seriously, even if you let your 7-year old read this, he or she will be perfectly capable of understanding what I am saying and how things work. If you don’t believe me, maybe you should conduct a little experiment and actually have your child read the article and then explain what they have read.

Come to think of it, there’s no need to do that and I am getting a bit off topic here. It’s time to get back on track. As I was saying, my goal is to help you understand how and why CBD oil products work in the organisms of our animals. I’ll start by introducing you to the system that’s responsible for it all and you should read this to get an idea about what it is.

The Endocannabinoid System

You might have already heard about the endocannabinoid system, ECS in short, but not a lot of attention has been diverted towards its role in the lives of our animals. What’s more, until the emergence of CBD products for animals, a lot of people weren’t even aware of the fact that animals have this system. To be fair, it’s long been neglected in humans as well and we have cannabis to thank for its discovery.

Be that as it may, one important thing has been found out. All mammals have the endocannabinoid system, which means that all mammals can benefit from Cannabidiol and all types of CBD products. Let us now observe the link between ECS and CBD, so that you understand their connection.

The ECS is involved in a wide variety of bodily processes both in humans and in certain animals. Those include pain, appetite, mood, stress, sleep, memory functions, metabolism and the whole immune system. Since our pets have this system, it means that they have cannabinoid receptors all over their bodies, including the brain.

Here’s everything you should know about the ECS:

It’s important for you to understand that our pets’ bodies produce endocannabinoids all on their own. Sometimes, though, that production is hindered and the balance necessary for our animals to stay healthy is disrupted. When that happens, you need to do something to restore said balance and make sure that your companions are safe and healthy.

What CBD Has To Do With It

When the balance is disrupted, that’s where CBD comes into play. As I have mentioned above, our animals’ bodies produce endocannabinoids. CBD is a phytocannabinoid, and “phyto” indicates that it is plant based. This marvelous compound succeeds in making up for all the endocannabinoids that your pet’s body wasn’t able to produce on its own.

There’s one last thing that you should know in order to understand how these products work. CBD doesn’t bind to the CB1 receptor in your pet’s body. Instead, it simply interacts with it. That means that it works in a completely safe and natural way to promote the wellbeing of your little friends.


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