International Pastors and Partners’ Conference IPPC 2017


Have you been searching for spiritual healing sessions or in search of the power of Jesus Christ? Look no further than Chris Oyakhilome! Who is Chris Oyakhilome? This may be a question that comes to mind. Chris has been participating annually in the Higher Life Conference that takes place in Nigeria. The pastor is given opportunities to present the Spirit of God over a 3 day conference. Within these three days the pastor will teach about the Word of God and the truths about Christianity. The pastor will also begin working miracles where he will heal the sick and all in attendance will be on a life changing journey. The pastor is most known for an event that drew in a 3.5 million person crowd where all in attendance were ready to witness the pastor’s teachings. Chris has helped millions of people experience a new life filled with purpose through God’s word. The pastor shook hands and handed out awards at the Future Africa Leaders Award.

Pastor Chris has healing schools where people from all over come together and learn about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome brings the power of God through scriptures and allows thousands of people to receive healing. The healing school is unlike any other as Chris brings the presence of the Holy Spirit to give hope to people. It will only take one encounter with the pastor and that will completely change your life. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome has devoted his life to healing and creating miracles to the nations of the world. If you are unable to make it in person to witness the pastor, you can also tune in to his TV show “Enter the healing school with Pastor Chris”.

Every day there is a Rhapsody of Realities daily devotional by the pastor that is available on the pastor’s blog. These daily devotional’s can be read to continue the healing process and offer day to day positive and uplift your spirit. There is many ways that you can pray with the pastor. He is featured on The Prayer Network as well as various DVD’s that are available for purchase. The pastor first started on the Christian Satellite Network in 2003. To date five satellite stations have picked up Love World. The pastor is a best selling author of “Rhapsody of Realities” which is available in 800 different languages. Pick up his book today! To date there is half a billion copies worldwide. You can also subscribe to become a member on the pastor’s digital library from your smart phone.

Reserve your ticket today for the International Pastors’ and Partners’ Conference. The pastor will be in attendance for the International Pastors’ and Partners’ Conference 2017 which is held November 13th-19. This conference is a week long and unlike any other. Together as one all of the top influencers will come to celebrate. These individuals have distinguished themselves by spreading the Gospel. This conference does take place at the Love World Convocation Arena which is located in Lagos Nigeria. This conference will be an unforgettable experience for all in attendance. Winners are awarded for there extraordinary achievements as well as there commitments by spreading the Gospel.


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