Business Marketing: Tips and Strategies for Marketing Yourself as a Lawyer


No matter the type of business you’re in, you have to find customers if you want to be successful. This is a simple fact of the modern business world. No customers mean no money, and that means no business.

All this said, marketing is a huge part of owning any business, even if you’re a lawyer.

You might think that people always need lawyers, so why should you need to promote yourself, right? Well, consider the fact that lawyers have one of the highest rates of competition in any market. The truth is, there are a lot of lawyers out there in every community across the United States, and your colleagues are often your competition.

Branding is a huge part of marketing. And, even lawyers could benefit from developing brand strategy and marketing themselves. In fact, many entrust this process to a full-service recruitment agency. Here, we’ll explore a few tips on how to market yourself better as a lawyer.

Lawyer Bio’s

Today, most people get their information from online sources. Whether they surf the web on a smartphone, tablet, or on a laptop, the end result is still the same. They’re looking for a website to pull key information from.

Statistics show that the most frequently visited page on a law website is the lawyer’s bio page, ranking at 85 percent of all pages searched. This is the page that tells the world who you are, what type of law you practice, what your educational background is, and the like.

Believe it or not, many lawyers don’t even have a bio on their website.

Developing an engaging bio is your best asset when it comes to landing new clients. Let’s face it, you’re not going to be able to field every call and give a personal description of yourself for every consultation. The trick is to make it easy for anyone searching your page to find out the juice about you, and you want these to be the attributes that you’re most proud of.

Basically, make your bio page intriguing and informative, and you’re sure to land more clients.

Web Content

Having a website doesn’t mean that you only need to have a bio or a contact page. People want to read interesting and engaging content as well. In fact, the best websites that get the most traffic often have informative content blogs that people will navigate to when looking up topics.

Not only can you offer potential clients a service, but you can also capture their attention with valuable content on your blog.

So now you’re probably thinking, “well, I don’t have time to write blogs.” If this is the case then you have many tools to consider.

You can hire freelancers well-versed in legal topics to write your blogs for you, or set aside some time each week to create the content that you want to have on your blog. Freelance writers who specialize in legal blog writing are in high demand, and you could easily post an ad on Indeed for this type of contract work.

Or, if you want to create the content yourself, check out content generation sites to see what legal topics are trending. Then, using your legal expertise, create short or long-form blog content that will get you more web traffic.

It’s also good to note that the more content that you have on your blog will translate into higher rankings on search engines like Google, which is a huge asset for you for getting more clients.

Other Tools

Last but not least, you’ll want to have a social media presence as well. While social platforms like Facebook and Twitter might help you to get your name out there, sites like LinkedIn are much more professionally situated and are better tools to showcase your skills, education, and services.

You can also employ some good, old-fashioned email marketing if you’re able to build a quality email list.

No matter the tools that you use, you want to treat your profession as a business. Because at the end of the day, you’re just as much a part of the modern business world as everyone else. And, like all of your competition, you’ll want to use every advantage that you can get.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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