10 Must Haves For Running A Restaurant


Starting a business can be overwhelming from the capital to putting up the building and managing the operation. There are lots of things to consider. It can be time-consuming and brain freezing. Here’s to help you with the things you must prepare. Some successful entrepreneurs have shared the things you need to develop and the things that you must have in running a business, particularly a restaurant.

Let us check on them one by one.

To start with, think of the


Have a concept

If you have observed in some restaurant, they have a sort of theme in their store to invite customers to come in and dine. Think of something unique that makes you different from the rest of other thousands of restaurants in the area. A good concept could be a start for a successful restaurant business.

Choose the right location

This thing is basic. Choosing the spot for your business would mean having potential customers to the area. The location will define your share in the market. You should not put your building away from the people that need your product. The restaurant must be accessible. It could be along the road or within the corporate areas.

Define your Menu

Define your Menu

It is essential. Your restaurant will be known for the food you serve. The food will draw you more customers. Find a way to name them uniquely or maybe common food with a twist. Also, the design of the Menu book itself must be enticing. Try putting photos of the food that can create the craving.


Control your inventory

You need to have proper inventory management. Your operation will depend on the stock. Healthy stock keeping will give you a smooth process. You may want to consider as well the FIFO method (first-in,first-out), especially for perishable items. Proper stocking would ensure you have enough stock for the day and replenish when needed.

Promote your restaurant

In today’s modern world, promotion can be secure. You can make your website or social media account. With simple like and share, your business can be visible to everybody. It is also one way of promoting by asking reviews from satisfied customers to share their dining experience.

Never assume that once you have the building, customers will just come. Promoting your business is one way of letting people know you exist. The thing like “Hey! We are here. Ready to serve you” kind of promotion.

Check on your figures

This one way of checking if you are doing great. And also a factor that would provide you visibility of how far you’ve gone or if you are yet to your goal. Logistics involve money. By checking your figures, you can take control of your stocking.


You have put up your building, you have arranged everything and ready for operation. So you need to have these essential things that can keep you going.

Getting the high performing POS

You are now operating, and the POS will speed up the process of getting the right figures and sum for the bill, instead of you calculating manually and writing it down. The POS must be high performing. Since you are in operation, you don’t want to change POS from time to time. That would be an unnecessary interruption. Choose the one that gives value to your money.

Having the right employees

Having the right employees

Your employees will be the front liners. They are the ones to entertain your customers. Make sure you have the right staff. You have to think twice in hiring relatives or friends unless it’s a corporation type of business. The whole employee-boss relationship can’t be mixed with relative or friends relationship though there may be successful restaurants with friends as the staff.

Right staffing would mean hiring people having the right attitude in giving service to your customers. You may have served the best food in town but having incompetent people will hinder them to come back. Consider training them first before they can take part in the operation. Orient them of the do’s and don’t. Also, convey your expectations, your goals and the vision of the business.

It would be a good idea to give them name tags. Allow them to be recognized by the customers. It may be an additional burden, but Vivipins can take care of that for you. With clicks in their website, vivipins.com, you can customize the designs of your employee’s tags and make it more pleasing. Furthermore, you can also incorporate your business logo. Once you are done with the design, we can arrange the delivery right in your footsteps.

Consider accepting reservation

Some busy people would prefer calling before coming asking you if they could take a table reserved for a certain number of persons. There could be someone living outside of town and heard about your restaurant and wanted to try your food. However, you can’t allow these customers to go somewhere. Arrange a reservation system.

Get Pins

In operating a business, it is vital to keep your employees motivated so they can also provide a fantastic service to your customers. The simple thing is to recognize their efforts or design a compensation system.

You can also choose the month’s best employee and give them a pin that says “Employee of the Month.” Wearing such will provide them with pride and will contribute to their enthusiasm in delivering quality service to your customer. Vivipins can also give this sort of thing. You can contact them to get custom pins for your restaurant employees. Here you can find out an incredible collection of pins.

In pursuing a business, there are a lot of things to take note. There could be losses or profits; ups and downs. Stuff like this must not encourage you. Keep pushing, and you will eventually get to your goal. Remember that large restaurants started from small beginnings.

Owning a restaurant would probably mean you have to work most of the time. Moreover, you have to be active for more than eight hours a day. It may sound tiring, but everything must need hard work to get the success you need.


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