Injured at Work? Here’s What You Need to Do—ASAP


Did you know there were 2.8 million injuries at work in 2018? If you were recently injured at work and want to know what to do next, we are here to help.

Keep reading to learn the steps to take right after your injury to make sure that you get what you deserve and are not given the shorter end of the stick.

Report Your Injury

First and foremost you need to report your injury right away. No matter how big or small the injury is, you have to report it. If you wait (even for an hour) worker’s compensation attorneys can argue that the injury did not happen at work or it’s not as bad since you waited to say anything.

Sometimes you do not feel any symptoms after an injury until weeks or even months later. This is why it’s important for you to go to the right person to file the report and take the time to also file the report via email to have a record that you did indeed file the report.

Medical Treatment

Every injury will be a little different but next in line is to be seen by a medical professional. Either your own doctor, a worker’s comp doctor or a workers’ comp orthopedic surgeon, depending on your unique injury.

Keep in mind that if your employer tries to prevent you from seeking medical help, they are in breach of the law. There are many workplaces that will have a specific first aid officer that you can go see when you are injured.

Seek Help From a Pro

Many people tend to skip this step but it is crucial if you want to get what you deserve. Talk to someone that is experienced with work injuries and workers’ compensation laws in your state.

An attorney with experience will know how to get you the highest amount of money for the injury/injuries you suffered. If the settlement your employer tries to give you does not cover all of your medical bills or time off work, your attorney will be in your corner ready to fight for your rights.

You never know if your employer will strike back after you file your claim and will need help from an attorney. Overall, having a professional fighting for you will ensure that your employer and their worker’s comp insurer do not give you the runaround.

Now You Know What to Do If You Are Injured at Work

As you can see there are a few steps that you have to take if you are injured at work. The most important factor is to not be embarrassed and not say anything. Like we mentioned before, no matter how small your injury might seem to you, make sure to report it.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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