Workers Compensation – 4 Do’s and Don’ts


Are you thinking about filing a workers’ compensation claim and not sure how to do it?

If you have no idea about it then you have come to the right place. A lot of people make mistakes that cause them to face negative consequences with their compensation requests and most of the time their applications get denied.

These are the DO’s and DON’Ts of filing a worker’s compensation that you should know.

DO Report as Soon as Possible

If you get into an accident at your workplace, make sure to report it to your supervisor as soon as possible. Make sure that the incident is filed, and that you receive your copy as well. Double-check if that filed incident includes all your injuries.

DON’T Avoid Reporting

If you get asked not to report the incident, even for some safety record purposes, do not fall for that. It can render your compensation report false or fabricated when you file it later.

DO File it Yourself

Filing a compensation yourself is better than asking someone else to do it as he or she might not exactly know all the circumstances and issues you faced or are facing. That said, it is always wise to consult with a worker’s compensation lawyer to get the best advice.

DON’T Ask Someone Else to Write Your Application

Asking someone else to file your compensation is not a good choice at all. If someone else writes your application, its chances of getting rejected are increased highly. The reviewer might think that it’s been exaggerated and you could be deprived of your full compensation.

DO Keep Record

Keep a daily written record from the day of the incident. Make sure to include all the difficulties you are facing in daily life, it will help your case during the trial very much. Also, make sure to keep a record of all your injuries and checkups and examinations at hospitals.

DON’T Talk to Unnecessary People

Keeping your mouth zipped is the key. Try to talk as few people as you can about your incident. Don’t have any recorded conversation withan unnecessary person as he or she can use them against you during your trial. Your worker’s compensation lawyer, doctors, and family members are the only necessary people you should talk to about your incident.

DO Take Benefits from Eighth Day

If you are unable to work after seven days of the incident, submit a written application to start your worker’s compensation benefits on the eight-day.  File a claim form if the benefits haven’t begun after the seventh day. Make sure to attach copies of medical bills, medical reports and accident reports with the compensation application.

DON’T Settle Your Case

No matter how much pressure you get. You should never settle your case unless you’re physically and medically stable or your attorney or lawyer has advised you to do so after looking into your case.

Make sure to keep this in mind when filing a workers’ compensation application to ensure a strong case from your side and minimize the chances of rejection.


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