What Should You Include on a Business Card? 5 Fast Facts


Does anyone still use business cards? Yes—and if you don’t have your own card, you’re missing out, big time.

A business card is more relevant than ever. They are key marketing tools, they help with networking, and they demonstrate that you’re prepared and take your business seriously.

If you don’t yet have a business card, it’s time to think about making one. However, have you thought about what information should be included on your card?

Cards are small, so you only have a tiny amount of room to make a first impression. To learn more, keep reading to find five key details that should be included on all business cards.

1A Business Card Should Always Include Your Contact Details

When it comes to business cards, their main purpose is for networking. We use business cards to connect and share business opportunities, so one of the most important details to include on your business cards is your contact details.

You want to make it easy for people to get in touch with you, so include your preferred contact details on your card. This might be your phone number, email, or physical address.

The information should be positioned so that it’s quick to find and easy to read when someone is scanning your card.

When it comes to your phone number, you may want to include your cell phone, direct business line, or the general office number. Just decide how you want people to contact you and whether you want people to reach you directly or if you’d prefer calls go through an office administrator.

2Name, Company, and Position

Other key details include your name, the company you work for, and your position within the company. People want to know your job title so that they understand how you fit into the structure of the company.

You may also want to include your title, such as Mr or Miss.

If all of this information has you wondering how to make a business card, the good news is that it’s simple and easy. Find a design and printing company, like Teamconceptprinting.com, and place an order.

Once you work out all of your key information, you’ll also want to pick a card stock and decide on quantity—generally, the more cards you order, the lower the price will be per card. However, if you don’t print enough, it’s always easy to order more, since print companies keep your card design on file.

Then, you can quickly order more quantities before the next big conference or business event.

3Social Media Handles

Online presence is more important than ever, especially if you work in a creative industry. For this reason, many professionals are choosing to include their social media handles on their business cards.

You may want to include your Instagram or Twitter handle, or even Facebook. Social media is useful for networking, especially on Twitter, with many people having an account for their business.

By including your social media handles, it will be easier for people to connect and interact with you online. Social media handles are a modern type of contact detail, so it’s appropriate to include on your card, as long as the accounts are relevant to your business.

When people give you their cards, you may want to then follow them on social media as well—it’s a good way to stay connected to people you’ve just met.


Brand awareness is key for companies, so including your company logo on the card is a good way to ensure your business stays on the radar of the people you meet.

It can be smart to include your company’s logo on your card. That way, if someone is looking at your card, they’ll instantly see who you work for.

However, you don’t want your logo to dominate the card, so if your logo is large and complex, you’ll need to make the call about whether it’s worth including.

Since business cards are small, keeping white space on the card helps, since it makes it easier for the recipient to read.


Including your website on your business card is also a great idea. You want to keep it simple, so you don’t necessarily need to include HTTPS or the www—something like yourbusiness.com is fine, as people know the www is implied.

Adding your website to the card encourages readers to check out the website to learn more about you and your company. The easier it is to find your website, the more likely that someone will want to check it out.

If your company doesn’t have a website, an alternative is to include a small map on the reverse of the card, so it’s easy for clients to find you.

Create Your Perfect Business Card Today

A business card can open doors for your company and career, so they are essential items for every professional. No matter what industry you’re in, you can benefit from having your own business cards.

Start thinking about how you’d like your cards to look and then find a printing company that can create them for you. Then, always keep a supply with you for work meetings, conferences, or for any chance networking encounters.

Get started today and see how the right business card can take your company to the next level!

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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