Take Your Love for Numbers Ahead with a degree in B. Com (Hons.) Taxation


Most people shudder just by the mention of mathematics, as they consider it difficult and tedious. However, if you are someone who perks up by the mention of Maths and loves numbers, then you should pursue a career in finance. This industry will not only utilize your love for number but also enhance it.

When we talk of finance, B. Com is one field that you can pursue with a specialisation in taxation, to grow your love for numbers even further.By doing a taxation course you get to learn the intricacies of accounting, financial planning, economic theory with special emphasis on taxation.Taxation is a field that is essential imposition of tax is applied to citizens with a taxable income.

Taxation is an excellent career with even better benefits that will help you grow and prosper. If you’re still not convinced about whether you should take your love for numbers further with taxation or not, here are a few reasons why you should.

Taxation – Taking Your Love Forward

Study the Latest Curriculum

As we all know that the latest government has introduced new taxes in the form of GST. This addition in the finance and accounting sector is a significant shift fromhow taxation was processed previously. However, since it is a comparatively new aspect, not everyone is well-acquainted with it. By studying a taxation course, you get the upper hand as you will be taught about GST and know more than the previous graduates.

Take Your Love Even Further

If numbers are something that fascinates you, then you can take this passion further by pursuing higher studies after your taxation course. You can opt for M. Com, CA, CSA, MBA and others, opening doors or better opportunities. That’s not all, you’ll also get a better package, that too at a reputable position in one of the best organisations in the country.

Have Financial Security

Your love for numbers will lead you to have plenty in your bank account as well. A future in taxation is a fruitful one after pursuing a taxation course. Any career you choose to go for after the completion of your course, you are destined for great success that will compensate you with a handsome salary package.

Innumerable Scope

The scope after your B. Com taxation course is high in the job market. The finance department is like a backbone in any organization that wants to prosper in the longer run. Here are some of the opportunities that you can explore:

  • Tax Policy Analyst
  • Budget Analyst
  • Tax Manager
  • Cost Accountant
  • Business Analyst
  • Corporate Analyst
  • Risk Analyst
  • Tax Collector
  • Employment Tax Specialist
  • Tax Consultant
  • Accountant

Taxation Course – Increasing Your Love for Numbers 

Apart from making you fall in love with mathematics and numbers, a taxation course also is a viable and fruitful career path to walk upon. However, it is a must that you choose to do B. Com with special emphasis on taxation from a university that does justice to your fascination with numbers. One such university that will nurture your love for numbers and help enhance it even further is UPES.

This university is known to have a faculty that has in-depth knowledge along with industrial exposure, which leads students to get the best education. The students are provided with a ton of industrial exposure to help them gain the first-hand experience in their respective field. This exposure is provided through industrial visits, projects, guest lectures, seminars and a lot more. With a taxation course from such a university, the love between you and numbers is bound to grow.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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