Rules of the Road: The Consequences of Driving without a License


The rules of the road are in place for good reason. In 2019, more than 36,000 Americans died across 33,000 automobile accidents. Millions more were treated in hospitals for severe injuries.

Many factors contributed to these accidents. One factor was driving without a license.

Unlicensed drivers don’t have the experience and skills of licensed drivers. They drive too fast and swerve too often, and they cause deadly accidents.

As such, states enforce a strong penalty for driving without a license. Yet many drivers remain uninformed of what those penalties are. Even fewer know how they can avoid those penalties.

Get informed today. Here is your guide to the punishment for driving without a license.

What Counts as Driving Without a License?

The term, “driving without a license,” sounds simple. But there are actually several crimes that could fall under that term.

A person may have never had a license, to begin with. They may have a license, but they may not have it on them. They may be driving with an expired, suspended, or revoked license.

These are all distinct offenses, and some states weigh them differently. Forgetting to carry your license can result in a small fine. You may receive a written citation or verbal warning.

Driving on a suspended license is considered a serious offense. People can get their licenses suspended for many reasons, including DUI. You may go to prison if you drive with one.

What Are the Penalties for Driving Without a License?

The consequences for driving without a license vary from state to state and offense to offense. Most states charge a first-time offender with a misdemeanor. They pay a small fine and serve a short prison sentence in county jail.

Some states suspend a person’s ability to receive a license if they don’t have a valid one. They may be unable to drive for years.

All states punish subsequent offenders with substantial fines and prison sentences. You will pay thousands of dollars and you can spend up to five years in jail.

Many people who get charged with driving without a license get charged with another offense. Other offenses include reckless driving, causing automobile accidents, and driving under the influence. The penalties for these offenses accompany the penalties for driving without a license.

Avoiding a Charge

The easiest charge to defeat in court is a charge that is never given. Place your license in your wallet, and place your wallet in your pocket.

Whenever you leave home, take your wallet with you. If you don’t think you will remember it, leave a note in your car reminding yourself to grab it.

Make sure you have valid insurance and a claim to your car. You may receive penalties for not having either one.

Check your license and insurance information once a month. You may have incurred points on your license that you forgot about. Resolve them as soon as possible.

If you receive a ticket, pay the ticket as soon as possible. If it was unfair, protest it in court. But resolve the matter so you don’t receive points and a license suspension.

Many people who are caught driving without a license get caught because they were otherwise breaking the law. Travel under the speed limit and turn on your headlights. Practice defensive driving techniques like signaling your turns.

Do not drink and drive under any circumstances. Even if you do not think your alcohol impaired you, you can face severe criminal penalties.

Defeating a Charge

When a police officer stops you, be respectful. As soon as you see flashing lights, pull over to the side of the road.

Stop your vehicle and put it in park. Turn on all of your interior lights and grab hold of your license and insurance. Roll down all of your windows so the officer gets a good view inside your car.

In some states, you must identify yourself when a police officer asks you for your name. You must hand over your license and insurance.

But you otherwise have the right to remain silent. When the officer asks you about your license, invoke your right. Say something to the effect of, “I wish to invoke my right to remain silent to all questions.”

An officer may let you go if you don’t provide them with information. If they do, get your paperwork back and leave immediately. Drive off the road you were pulled over on and get to your destination as soon as possible.

If an officer detains you, do not panic. Reiterate that you are invoking your right to remain silent and that you want an attorney. Under no circumstances should you say anything else.

When you get to prison, call a lawyer right away. Wait until they arrive and then talk over your strategy with them.

An attorney can launch several defenses for you. They can prove that your license was not expired at all. They can argue that you shouldn’t have been pulled over, so you shouldn’t have gotten a charge in the first place.

Be cooperative and patient with your attorney. If they ask you questions, answer them with full details. They are there to fight for you and keep you from going to jail.

Stay Safe by Staying Informed

Driving without a license sounds like a minor offense. But it often leads to a devastating accident.

States have severe penalties for first offenders, with many states sentencing them to hefty fines and prison sentences. Penalties get worse if the driver committed other offenses.

Avoid a charge by carrying your license with you. Be a careful driver.

Do not talk to the police when they ask you questions. Do talk to an attorney and mount an immediate defense for yourself.

You can stay safe when you have the facts. Follow our coverage for more legal guides.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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