How to Care for Your Fire-Resistant Clothing?


Being in an environment that is open to flame and heat all the time, your clothes can be greasy as well as full of dirt. To keep your fire-resistant clothing effective and long lasting you must keep it clean. For flame-resistant clothes, you simply cannot use ordinary cleaners. You have to clean them carefully using a special detergent that keeps their protective finish and life intact. Washing and drying of flame resistant clothes is not a tedious task, you just need to use the right equipment and the right technique.

Go through the blog to know more about the cheap yet useful ways for taking proper care for your FR clothing.

Proficient Ways for Taking Proper Care of Your FR Clothing

These tips are very simple, you can follow them with ease. But they are certainly going to prove very effective for your FR clothes. Check them out.

Do not Wash Your FR Clothes with Ordinary Clothes

Washing your fire resistant clothing with normal clothes will lead to reducing its protection or diminishing the protective layer. None FR clothes contaminate the FR fabric. It is better that you wash your flame resistant clothes separately.

Wash Immediately in Case of Stains

Use a soft detergent free from bleach and water on the stains on your FR clothes. Do not leave the marks of grease, oil and any other flammables on your clothes. Greasy substance on your clothes for the longer duration reduces its life and protection too. Get rid of these stains washing in your hand instead of the washing machine. You can make use of hot water for stain removal.

Put the Clothes in Washing Machine Inside Out

 The best way for washing FR clothes is to put it in the washing machine but inside out. In the case of stains, remove the stains first and then drop the clothes in the washing machine. Your FR resistant clothing will have a longer life by sticking to this method for washing clothes.

Do Not Make Use of Hot Water

Making use of hot water for washing your FR resistant clothes can lead to shrinkage. Either use cold, normal or warm water in your washing machine. Though the temperature withstands capability of clothes highly depends on the type of material used for the manufacturing of FR clothing, yet you must be careful from your end.

Do Not Soak for Longer Hours

Soak your clothes for one cycle in the washing machine. Do not let it sit in water and detergent for long else it can lead to damage the protective finish. You must also avoid swirling of FR clothes more than one wash cycle in the washing machine.

For FR clothes Use Medium or Low Dry Settings

Shrinkage up to 5% is normal while drying, for FR clothes. While drying you must keep in mind to make the acceptable settings. If your washing machine accounts for temperature drying techniques, make sure you do not go with hottest settings. Keep the dryer settings to low or else medium.

Say Good Bye to FR Clothes with Excessive Stains

There is no use of washing FR clothes with bleach-based products to remove stains. It will be useless after washing rigorously. Better you do not put efforts to clean your FR clothes with harsh stains. Just go and get a new pair in such cases.


The most common ways for proper caring of your FR clothes are covered in the write-up. Make sure you read the washing instructions on your FR clothes. Go for dry cleans if required. Washing FR clothes like normal clothes may end up in making your FR clothes unfit for the flammable environment.


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