Magento SEO: Best Practices for Setting Up Your Magento Store


Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.  –Wendy Piersall

If you want Google’s love then you need to raise your SEO game. Your Magento eCommerce store’s web traffic depends directly on your SEO activities. Some of you must be thinking what is this Magento SEO and what does it do that it is so important for my Magento eCommerce store?

What is SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the skill of improving the website’s traffic by applying new tactics on the content, URLs, and any other thing that you can see on a website and beyond. These optimizers use some set of rules and concepts, some are pre-defined while some are recently made to optimize the website for search engines like Google to improve their search engine ranking. They also work on making the website faster, more user-friendly and easier to navigate for the users.

Why Magento SEO Is Important For You?

Today any market is highly competitive and if we talk about eCommerce then withstanding competition from giants like Amazon and eBay is a great challenge. To fight against such odds you need a good Magento SEO Extention which can optimize your whole website so that Google will prefer your website in its top search results.

There are millions of people who use search engines to get answers to their questions, and a large majority of these browsers click on the top 5-8 suggestions given to them by the search engines. An efficient Magento SEO Expert will help your website to get into the top search results of Google, bing.

Besides this, a Magento SEO extention also applies several SEO practices (which will be discussed below) to improve the eCommerce site and give a user-friendly experience to the customers. Another important role of a Magento SEO Experts is to keep your eCommerce store “buzzing” in various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, etc. in other words the website’s social media promotion is also handled by Magento SEO Experts.

To keep it in perspective for the common people, if online store A (normal website) and B (Search Engine Optimized website) both are selling the same product with the exact same specifications and same price; still B (having better Magento ecommerce development services) will get more customers than A as it ranks higher on SERP (Search Engine Result Page) making it more easily accessible to people.

Best Magento SEO Practices

Using Keywords wisely

Keywords are the Holy word for SEO and writers everywhere. When a person searches something on Google, the words or phrases that he/she uses becomes the lead that Google follows and tries to search all the content on the internet to find similar results. Higher the similarity; higher your chance to get on top of the SERP.

So your Magento SEO Experts should be proficient enough to find the exact phrases and words that people use to search your Magento eCommerce store’s products. This doesn’t mean that you should fill out every possible keyword in your product description and relating blogs and articles. Doing so will make your content more robotic which will not be liked by people and the Google’s algorithm is very efficient to flag such content.

So your Magento SEO Specialist needs to find the most valued (most searched) keywords and make a healthy amount of keyword spreading in the content that will satisfy the search engine algorithm and your customers. There are many tools available online for Magento SEO specialists like Google Adwords keyword tools, that help them to find such keywords.

Optimize Website URLs

A really important part of the website which many novice SEOs don’t pay attention to is the URL. This is more important for Google to understand what a particular page of your website is hosting. A good Magento SEO agency makes sure that the URL of a particular page consists of the important keywords used in that page. This makes the search engine to understand your page’s content and raises the chance of getting a higher position on SERP.

Avoid using unreadable symbols in URL like “page+20%”. “category==?”. Keeping the URLs organized will help you in tracking each page easily and makes Google’s work quite easy. If your page is for a shaving product named “Blades” then your URL should be:

Content is King

This is not just a saying but truth for Magento SEO Experts and writers. A big mistake that many eCommerce stores commit is to just copy paste product information content supplied by the product manufacturers. These manufacturers sell their products to multiple eCommerce stores and when all of them are using the same content provided by these manufacturers then Google believes your content to be plagiarized and your SERP position falls drastically.

The solution for this is to create your own unique content for each product. This will not just make your content unique for Google spiders (Google bots that search new and updated content) but also give the customers a new description and information than what they must have seen on other sites. By doing this your store website will get high ranking in SERPs.

Meta Description (The most powerful SEO weapon)

If the content is King then metadata is the Queen that makes the King look good. Meta Description is the brief 2-3 lines that you see below any link on SERPs. Even before people click on any link from the SERPs they get a glimpse of what the link may contain. So this is your golden shot to make a good impression on the readers. So you need to give proper input in writing a good metadata maybe even more than the page content itself.

Your meta Description should be informative enough to grab the reader’s attention but not too informative that they won’t need to open your site to learn more. The end of the meta Description should be a cliffhanger for the readers that will make them click the link to learn more than what they read in the metadata.


Magento SEO is the prized Queen that serves the King in every possible way (Wished to finish the blog with a chess reference, pardon my puns). So every Magento store owner needs a good Magento SEO Expert that does everything to bring traffic to his/her store. Many Magento eCommerce development services company provide in-house Magento SEO Services for their clients. If you are looking for a Magento eCommerce development company then you should contact our experts to get further information on this or any other topic related to Magento eCommerce stores.


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