How to Find Good Roommates in 5 Easy Steps


Are you trying to get a new apartment or home to rent? It’s a lot easier when you can split the cost with a roommate or two.

If you’re wondering how to find good roommates, know that it can be quite difficult. However, a good roommate can make all the difference in the world.

Not only can they help you pay rent, but they can also become a close friend.

They also won’t leave in the middle of their lease, leaving you to scramble to find a replacement. They’ll do their part to honor their lease commitment, keep the house clean, and contribute to the comfort of the home.

But how exactly do you find these good roommates? And how can you be sure they are as awesome as their online profile looks?

Keep reading to find out.

1Ask Your Friends

The first place to start is by asking your friends. This is usually the best place to find a quality roommate.

They will generally recommend other people they trust. They aren’t going to complicate your life by recommending a deadbeat person who struggles to pay their bills each month.

And, even if you get to share an apartment or home with someone you know, make sure to keep things professional. Ensure each person signs a rental agreement, and make sure everyone has renters insurance.

2Reach Out to Your Network

Once you’ve gotten the word out to your close friends, be sure to reach out to your professional network as well.

If you live in a major city, there are bound to be lots of other professionals looking for a convenient and affordable place to live that your coworkers know.

3Relevant Facebook Groups

You can also post around relevant Facebook groups that you have a room opening. These might be your local neighborhood group.

Or, it could be based around a hobby or interest, such as your local biking or yoga group.


Roomster is one of the largest and oldest online roommate finders. When you create your account, you’ll be able to set up an online profile, which will help you to create a legitimate posting that users will trust.

People will find your listing based on budget, location, and other important factors, such as pet preferences.


Of course, you can also use Craigslist, if you have to. While not as popular as it once was, Craigslist can help you find a roommate in a hurry.

Do your best to create a trustworthy listing and make sure to take care when responding to inquiries. Ask lots of questions upfront to find any red flags. Also, be aware of rental scams before you agree to meet people and show them around.

Wondering How to Find Good Roommates? Don’t Rush

Are you wondering how to find good roommates? The key is not to rush. Treat it like you are interviewing someone for a job.

You wouldn’t hire just anyone person off the street, would you? Also, don’t make important compromises. For example, if you are allergic to cats, don’t let someone with cats move in just because you need someone fast. Be patient and the right person will come.

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