11 Social Media Marketing Errors and How to Avoid Them


Even a few seemingly minor social media marketing errors can have a big impact on your business. Here are the 11 mistakes you’ll want to avoid when using social media platforms.

Over 45% of the world’s population is already using social media. With a strong social media marketing strategy, you can reach followers around the globe! As they learn more about your business, you can turn those social media users into paying customers.

Unfortunately, even a few seemingly minor social media marketing errors can have a big impact on your business. Here are the 11 mistakes you’ll want to avoid when using social media platforms.

With these tips, you don’t have to worry about scaring off customers. Instead, you can gather new followers, boost brand awareness, and generate fresh business.

Give your business the boost it needs in 2021. Get started by adjusting your social media marketing strategy with these tips today.

1Not Having a Plan

Many businesses rush to start marketing with Facebook or posting on LinkedIn without a plan. Don’t rush! Instead, think through a strategy that will help you generate results.

You can use SMART goals to develop a plan that’s:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Results-Driven
  • Timely

What do you want to accomplish with social media? Do you want to attract more followers, generate more website traffic, or get people to contact you?

Keep it SMART. For example, you can set a goal to have a 35% increase in followers by the end of the next quarter. Establish a SMART goal for each social media platform.

Each social media platform reaches a different portion of your audience. You’ll need to establish different goals for each one.

Then, set a key performance indicator (KPI) for each SMART goal. Consider measuring followers, likes and comments, or website traffic. Use your KPIs to track the success of your goals over time.

Once you have a plan, review each of your social media platforms. You don’t have to use every platform at once. Instead, focus on the platform that’s successfully helping you reach customers.

Where are your customers spending their time? Use social media analytics to learn more about your target audience.

Are you targeting a broad audience? Get more specific. Segment your audience into smaller personas based on age, gender, location, household income, or marital status.

Consider the products they’re interested in and their behaviors, too.

If you’re struggling to learn about your customers, use your website analytics and competitors’ social media accounts as well. This research stage can help you develop a strong strategy with your customers in mind.

2Posting Without a Reason

One of the most common social media marketing errors people make is posting without a reason.

Look at your SMART goals. What posts can help you accomplish those goals?

Create a social media marketing content calendar. Think about the purpose of the content you create before you post it. If it doesn’t align with your goals, save it for later.

Do you want to generate brand awareness? Post a photo of one of your employees with a few fun facts about them! Consider creating a walkthrough tour of your offices.

Does your goal involve boosting sales? Give people video tutorials for each of your products.

Then, use your content calendar to stay organized. Consider how your captions will differ for each social media platform.

Remember, you don’t have to use every platform at once. Focus on one or two platforms to start. Adjust your captions for each platform.

3Never Mixing Up the Content

Experiment by creating different types of content. These can include photos, videos, animations, polls, quizzes, and infographics. Think about the type of content that will help you generate engagement.

About 90% of people say videos help them make buying decisions. In fact, 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. Try using live videos to leverage the fear of missing out with your audience.

4Not Appearing Authentic

Customers want to choose businesses that are real, authentic, and honest. As you start creating your social media marketing strategy, consider your brand.

What makes your business unique? What promise are you making customers?

Social media isn’t a popularity contest. It’s a chance to show customers who you are and how you can help them. Show them the authenticity they’re looking for.

Consumers will more likely trust your business if they share the values you do. Keep that in mind as you start posting.


Some businesses make the mistake of posting constantly. That won’t help you beat the algorithm, though. In many cases, it could cause you to frustrate users.

When marketing with Facebook and Instagram, try not to post more than once a day. Post on LinkedIn a few times a week.

6Ignoring Comments

Some businesses make social media marketing errors like ignoring comments and chatting with customers. Social media is a great way to boost engagement! Instead of ignoring interactions, use them to your advantage.

Show customers you want to help them find solutions to their problems. Answer their questions and let them know you’re there to help.

Take the time to interact with other accounts in your niche, too. Consider working with an influencer in your industry. Influencer marketing can help you boost brand awareness and trust.

Influencers already have an audience of customers who trust their opinions. They can demonstrate the value of your brand and direct customers your way. By leveraging that existing brand trust, you could attract new customers.

Use social listening to track how often people mention your business online. As they ask questions and leave comments, comment back!

7Getting Defensive

It’s normal to want to protect your brand and business. That’s not an excuse to get defensive, though. If someone attacks your business, take a breath.

Avoid getting defensive or confrontational online. Instead, try to remain professional. Maintain your brand’s tone and voice.

You’re bound to get a negative comment from time to time. If you’re not sure how to respond, speak with one of your team members. You don’t want to rush and say something that could alienate your customers.

Instead, craft a response that focuses on the customer’s concerns. Show them you care and want to help.

8Using Sales Language

Don’t make the mistake of filling your social media platforms with sales language. Instead, separate your social media marketing and advertising strategies.

Use your organic posts to help people learn about your business. Show them the value you have to offer. Why should they choose your business over another?

Create content that’s interactive, engaging, and fun.

Then, use social media advertising to generate fresh business. You can use social media pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to drive sales. Chances are, your competitors already are.

In fact, companies invest an average of $9,000 and $10,000 on PPC every month. About 9.21% of Facebook ads convert. Meanwhile, ads can boost brand awareness by about 80%.

You can create PPC ads for LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms. When creating these ads, determine how you want to target customers. You can choose your target audience based on keywords or demographics like age, gender, and location.

Creating PPC ads can help you direct more traffic to your website. You can use eye-catching images to boost brand awareness. Shoppable ads can make it easier for your customers to make purchases, too.

Experiment with different ad formats, such as videos, photos, and animations, to determine which help you generate the most results.

Don’t focus on sales language, though. Instead, showcase the unique value you can offer. Give customers a reason to want your brand.

Are you advertising with TikTok yet? You can buy TikTok followers to get a step ahead of the competition.

9Getting Stuck in a Rut

Using a social media marketing content calendar can help you stay organized. You’re not stuck to posting on a schedule, though.

Instead, pay attention to what’s happening online. Keep an eye out for any interesting trends that pop up. Can you create a post that leverages trending hashtags?

Trying new styles and posting at new times can help you learn more about your audience.

Don’t forget to review your analytics. What days and times are your followers the most active? Experiment with different times based on their behaviors.

10Inconsistent Branding

As you start developing your social media marketing strategy, don’t forget your company’s brand. Your brand needs to remain consistent across every marketing platform. Otherwise, consumers might struggle to recognize you online.

If they travel between your social media and website, only to find different brands, you could confuse them.

Create a set of brand guidelines for your business. Your brand should include imagery, colors, and fonts. Consider the voice and tone you use within your captions, too.

11Not Adapting to the Platform

Remember, every social media platform is a little different. Don’t use the same strategy between LinkedIn and Instagram. Instead, adjust your social media marketing strategy for the platform you’re using.

When marketing with Facebook or Instagram, you can take a more playful approach. With LinkedIn, however, think about how you would talk to other business professionals.

Adapting your content for each platform will help you better connect with the audience on each account.

Let’s Get Social: 11 Social Media Marketing Errors to Avoid

Don’t make these 11 social media marketing errors. Instead, develop a strong social media marketing strategy for your business. With these tips, you can reach customers, boost brand awareness, and attract more customers.

Instead of falling behind the competition, you can get a step ahead with strong social media marketing!

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