Change What Doesn’t Work in Your Home


Every house has its own unique trouble spots instead of resolving to live with and overlook them, why not put every square inch of your home to work. Assess your problems areas and see if there is any way improvements can be made to the space. Keep function in the forefront of your mind, you want a beautiful space that makes your life easier.

Think through how you use each space in your home. Where are the places that attract clutter? What needs to be added or taken out to reduce it? What if added would make you feel like you never want to move again? Here are some ideas for areas that are typically trouble spots in most homes.


Traditionally the entryway becomes a bit of a dumping ground. Shoes, coats, and book bags are shed as the family enters the home and if there’s no system in place to organize these items this area becomes cluttered. The solution to this problem depends on the size of your family and the space you have to work with. For some a small shoe rack and some hooks drilled into the wall will take care of it. For others, the addition of a mudroom or a hallway closet provide ample space to store clothes and shoes.

Laundry Nook/Room

One place that gets messy in a hurry is the laundry room or nook. If you have a small space like nook think about investing in a front loading washer and dryer. You can install a counter top right above the machines where you can fold clothes or store products. Maximize the space above your machines to add additional storage.

If you’re lucky enough to have an actual laundry room make sure it has enough storage in the form of shelves and cabinets. Think about adding a sink so you can pre rinse soiled clothing. A giant laundry bin may also be a welcome addition, it will become the go to place for all of the dirty clothes that get shed all over the house.


When it comes to your bedroom it’s important to think through what you want to do there. Is it just for sleeping? What will you store in your bedroom? Do you read in here? Do you craft in here? Is this where your home office is located? If you can, do your best to streamline your bedroom and make it a place reserved for rest.

Take a trash bag and get rid of any unwanted clutter. Donate used clothing and shoes. Do you still need more storage space? Is there room to add a bigger closet? Does your closet include enough shelving and storage to eliminate the need for a chest of drawers? Would refreshing your bed linens and coverings make your bed look and feel more peaceful? Play around with the layout of your bedroom. Maximize space and inject beauty into all your furnishings and wall hangings.

We should all strive to help our homes become places of rest and organization. Make your home a place you want to be. Tackling a major renovation requires time, money and professional help, make sure to find a qualified local professional who you can trust to complete your project.


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