Labour Law – What Does Your Employer Have to Provide for you?


There is no doubt that the job market is highly competitive, but that does not mean you should settle for anything below your own value. Of course, some employers offer a wide range of perks, but there are quite a few things which are required, as businesses retain a responsibility to their employees under stringent employment law in the UK. So, what exactly does your employer have to provide for you in the current climate?

A Minimum Wage and Itemised Payslip

Let’s start with the basics; as UK employees across the board are entitled to a minimum wage that continues to rise under national law.

For those who are 25 or older, for example, employers are required to pay a minimum hourly rate of £8.72. For individuals who are aged between 21 and 24, there is a legal requirement to pay £8.20 an hour across all sectors and marketplaces.

This rate continues to fall for those aged between 18 and 20 and younger, while those working under the terms of an apprenticeship are entitled to a minimum wage of £4.15 per hour or above.

Additionally, your weekly or monthly salary must be detailed in the form of an itemised payslip, which provides a comprehensive breakdown and highlights your tax payments.

Performing Risk Assessments and Providing a Safe Working Environment

From a health and safety perspective, businesses and employers are also required to conduct thorough risk assessments and identify the safety challenges that are most pertinent to staff members.

Not only must frequent assessments be carried out with a view to identifying all workplace risks, but they should also take steps to directly address any issues that are uncovered.

Once risks have been identified and subsequently addressed, your employer also has a legal responsibility to control the remaining risk of injury or ill-health in order to always safeguard your wellbeing effectively.

Of course, any associated accidents or injuries must also be logged and detailed by the employer, who should provide information on the underlying risks and how they’re protecting their staff.

Provide Uniforms and Safety Equipment

In some cases, people work in jobs that require them to wear uniforms or an array of safety garments and equipment.

Take construction sites, for example, where health and safety laws dictate that workers are required to wear safety helmets and the type of high visibility clothing sold widely throughout the UK.

Ultimately, it’s the responsibility of your employer to provide any mandated clothing and equipment on their sites, rather than requiring workers to invest in their own accessories.

Similarly, employers should constantly ensure that workers are using such equipment when on-site, as they remain culpable for any accident or injury that occurs under their watch.

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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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