Did You Know of Hernia Treatment Without Surgery?


Whenever a condition like hernia occurs in our bodies, most people in our digital era think of surgery especially a condition involving a lump. But the surgical operation is not necessary because hernia treatment without surgery is now possible. With the increased number of relapses after the surgery, many hernia victims are turning to treatment without surgery.

It is unfortunate that more than 35% of cases of hernia that has been treated using surgical operations usually last for a short period of time and then relapses. This could be the reason why it is affecting 4% of those above 45 years.

In a lifetime, statistics show that 27% of men across the globe are at risk of having this condition. The number of females who have this condition is relatively low. So what is hernia all about? What are some of the risk factors? What causes this condition? How can it be treated? Well, all these are packaged in this article. So let’s dive in.


This is a medical condition where a body organ pushes through its surrounding muscles or tissues. This could be due to the weaknesses of the tissue surrounding it. Hernia comes in various types including:

  • Inguinal Hernia
  • Umbilical Hernia
  • Incisional Hernia
  • Hiatal Hernia

Inguinal Hernia

According to the British Hernia Center, Inguinal hernias are the most common contributing to over 70% of all hernia cases across the globe. The hernia delivers its name from the inguinal canal where this particular hernia occurs. An inguinal hernia occurs when your intestines pass through a weakened spot in your lower abdominal walls most around the inguinal canal in your groin area.

In males, the inguinal canal offers a passage for the spermatic cord as it runs from the abdomen to their scrotum. In women, this canal contains the ligaments that hold the uterus in place. This type of hernia is common in men than in females.

Umbilical Hernia

This is a hernia condition that is common in children below the age of 6 years. The intestines tend to bulge around their umbilical cord. You can easily notice this especially when they are crying. This happens to be the only hernia that literally disappears on its own. However, if it doesn’t after the child is one year and their muscle walls strengthened, then you need to see your family doctor.

Incisional hernia

This mostly occurs after a patient has had abdominal surgery. Of course, an abdominal surgery causes some weak points on your tummy, and intestines may try to push through. That’s why most surgeries, especially around the abdomen, usually result in relapses.

Hiatal Hernia

This is another common type of hernia where your stomach tends to protrude through the diaphragm pushing your chest cavity. This condition is mostly in the elderly who are above 50 years old. In most cases, it causes the stomach content to flow back into the esophagus.

From the above types, what really causes hernia?

Causes of Hernia

Hernia has a tendency of developing rapidly depending on its cause. It is mostly caused by the weaknesses of the body muscles or tissues that can be caused by strains. Here are some of the causes of hernia:

  • Chronic coughing
  • Congenital defects
  • Age
  • Injury from a surgery

What are some of the risk factors?

The Risk Factors

If you have one of the following condition, you are likely to suffer from this condition:

  • Pregnancy
  • Constipation
  • Surgical operation
  • Lifting heavy materials
  • Persistent sneezing
  • Gaining weight suddenly and being obese
  • Having a history of hernia in your family
  • Smoking
  • Cystic fibrosis

All these wills at first manifest as a lump which can be identified by touch. You may also feel some pain when you bend or do rigorous activity or exercise. But how now do you treat hernia?

Treatment of Hernia Without Surgery

Having seen the danger of having surgery to treat hernia, it is wise then to get a way of dealing with hernia without conducting any surgical operation. Thanks to center facilities like Grocare that have been using Ayurvedic treatment to completely deal with hernia.

The method that will be used in treating surgery will be dependent on how chronic the disease is. Surgery never addresses the main cause and root of hernia because it still leaves the inflammation. This could be why it relapses over time. Nevertheless, at Grocare, the root cause of hernia is addressed.

Your intestine can swell due to overeating, irregular sleep and eating cycles, stress, sedentary lifestyle, infections or wrong medications. You can successfully manage hernia and treat it without surgery by:

  1. Taking a healthy diet – You will need to have gut micro flora that is healthy. It is advisable to avoid foods that will cause you to have acid reflux or heartburns. Avoid smoking also. Avoid heavy meals and don’t lie down after eating.
  2. Taking specific exercises – this must be carefully chosen by a professional physical therapist. Wrong exercises may increase irritation to the affected area causing further bulging. However, when done rightly, they strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  3. Using Ayurvedic supplements – this will eventually reduce intestinal swellings, regulate bowel movements, reduce inflammation, and keep your intestines healthy. One important supplement that you can use is Grocare Herbal Hernia Kit that has Hernica and Acidim. It is responsible for holistic healing from hernia.
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Hardik Patel is a Digital Marketing Consultant and professional Blogger. He has 12+ years experience in SEO, SMO, SEM, Online reputation management, Affiliated Marketing and Content Marketing.


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