3 Ways to Make Food Taste Better


Whether you are a budding chef, a wannabe foodie, or you merely enjoy experimenting with nice flavors, there are lots of things you can do to make food taste even more delicious.

Regardless of whether you are making a lunchtime sandwich or spending hours preparing a candle-lit three-course meal, it’s worthwhile getting the most out of your food and making it taste as good as it can.

The smallest things, such as making sure your oil is hot enough to leaving red meat to rest for an adequate amount of time after cooking, can make a big difference.

Here are 3 ways to make food taste better.

1Don’t prepare too far ahead

Although it’s a good idea to be organized, it’s also worth being a little cautious when preparing certain things in advance. Many items won’t taste as good if they are made ahead of time, so don’t make that mistake. For example, it’s best to dress a salad just before serving, or it may wilt and become a little mushy. Tomatoes can also degrade fairly quickly and so should also not be cut too far in advance. Similarly, many fresh fruits can start going off as soon as they are prepared.

It would be a real pity to ruin what could be a fabulous meal because you were a little too hasty or impatient, so consider the impact on your ingredients before you act.

2Use the best ingredients

The better-quality ingredients you use, the more the flavors are likely to pack a punch, and the nicer your meal may be. For example, corn-fed, organic chicken fillets do not contain as much water as cheaper fillets and, based on how the chickens are reared, are likely to be tastier.

In terms of other meats, the quality and flavor of pork can vastly change depending on the type of swine feed given to the pigs, and certain cuts of red meat are more tender and taste far superior.

You may, of course, be meal planning within a set budget and so might not be able to buy top-notch produce all of the time, but if you buy the best that you can afford, you will taste the difference.

3Seasoning and herbs

Although you should season and flavor your food as you cook, it’s important not to overdo it. If you go overboard, your dish could have one overriding flavor, and you could ruin it. Take your time, taste your dish at regular intervals throughout the cook and add little but often.

When it comes to adding herbs, you can go for the dried variety, which are handy to have in the kitchen, but you won’t achieve the same depth of flavor. Using fresh herbs will add an additional dimension of flavor and aroma to your dishes. If this appeals to you, why not try growing your own?

Having a good range of herbs at your disposal will not only help you produce some fabulous dishes but will make you more inclined to experiment.


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