Prerequisites for a Successful 21st Century Retail


The world of commerce, the fuel that has driven our civilization for millennia is now rapidly migrating into the digital environment. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that a traditional retail is over. The staggering rate of success of some of the world’s largest conglomerates testifies that physical and direct contact with the merchandise that a real store offers will never be surpassed (well, at least not in the nearest future). However, this doesn’t mean that your success in this line of work is guaranteed, in order to succeed you need to know at least some crucial tricks of the trade. Here are some of them.

Doing a market research

Sure, many of the best tradesman in the past have boasted with an impeccable instinct and intuition that governs them. Well, in the modern retail this is no longer a thing you should confide in. What you need is a solid plan and there is no solid plan without a thorough market research. Start by identifying your target demographic. Try to envision your average customer by looking for answers on questions like:

21st Century Retail2

  • How old are they?
  • What do they do?
  • What do they need your product for?

After this, you will have at least some clue about who you are dealing with as well as a faint idea on how to approach them.

Using traditional retail tricks

Now, just because retail has evolved over the cause of years it doesn’t mean that it has essentially changed. A lot of principles that were useful in the past are still quite efficient and the perfect example of this is the strategic deployment of point of sale displays of your own choosing. In this way, even the layout of your store, can be viewed on the POS system. Needless to say, in retail you need to use all tools that you have on your disposal. Look into cardboard display stands and signage as an affordable solution for displays.

A subtler approach

First thing you need to realize is that the landscape of modern marketing greatly differs from what we used to see in the past. Imperative is a most definitive no go and what modern audiences need is a bit subtler approach. In other words, directly ordering people to get your product will get you nowhere and may even go as far as to antagonize them against you. What you need is to act upon your collected data and try to persuade your customers that your product is exactly the thing they need and to do so without them even realizing it.

Facilitate everything

Finally, what you also need to do is make everything as simple as you possibly can. Unfortunately, the attention span of an average customer is not that admirable which means that you will have to make everything as expedient as possible. Maze of stands and long wait time at the register can give your client time to rethink if he or she really needs the product, which can be quite bad for business for obvious reasons. Make sure your counters always work at their full speed and you should have no problem with this whatsoever.

As you can see, the rules of retail are not that different from what they were several decades ago. You need to do some research, make a thorough plan and try and make all of these things just fall into place. Last but not least important tip is that in order to go forward, you can always look backwards for advice. Traditional retail methods are simply timeless and all you need to do to harness their immense power is find a way to introduce them into the 21st century.


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