8 no-sweat ways to earn extra and quick cash


A month behind rent? Overdue electricity and water bills? How’s your phone bill doing? Using your credit card once again won’t be an option and don’t think about applying for another loan when you have one you’re still paying off. Got a solution for your everyday expenses?

Monitoring your expenses and keeping your finances on track can get a little out of hand but it isn’t that difficult to manage; saving money and paying off all your expenditures definitely is. Sometimes, your income only pays off your expenses which leaves you nothing left to tap.

Let’s say you’ve done almost everything possible to save more and cut your other expenses but still, you’re left with little to nothing. You’re still short in gas, groceries and a few bills every now and then. You think of something else you can cut costs but it only go as far. So you think of another option.

Cutting costs could be one of the best and quick solutions when it comes to saving but it isn’t the only option you have. There are other ways you can make more money, some are unusual while some are extremely no-sweat and fast.

Tutor. Whether it be for kindergartners, grade schoolers or high school students, don’t waste your knowledge and share it with others. Make an extra living out of teaching the less experienced or those who lack knowledge in your subject area of expertise.

Are you graphic artist? Go train those who lack in creative skills. Make your service known to the community especially to the students and those young professionals, parents of aspiring creative designers, schools and the likes. If you think you can train adults, create your website and offer your services and pitch your services to companies.

Write an article for blogs. If you’re resourceful enough, you’ll find blogs. websites. online magazines and the works that compensates writers to submit a well-written and high quality content for them. If you’re good with words and writing in general, this should not be too difficult for you especially if you breathe writing.

There are blogs and websites that will pay you up from $1 dollar per word (400-500 words) per article to $300 (1,000-2,000 words) per article. And in case you’re wondering if you need to have a well-known and established writing career to submit articles for them, the answer depends. However, as long as you have a great grasp regarding the topic and you have a flair for writing, there’s a good chance they’ll like your submission and will pay you for the quality content.

Conduct a garage sale. Your pile of books sitting in the warehouse will be more useful and valuable to others if you sell them. Flip your closet around and see which ones you no longer use.

Your old household decorations, shoes, bags, old appliances, and other saleable items will generate you more money. Not only will you be able to earn instant money from it but you have also just managed to organize, declutter and clean your home/room! Extra points for organizing. Sold the items in sets to sell it faster and offer the customers great deals. Or, sell your items on Craigslist, eBay and the likes. Explore your options.

Recycle scrap metals. If you don’t have too many of these, go to your dad and ask if you could collect his scrap metals instead. Or if you really want to go big, roam around your community and ask your neighbors if they would allow you to collect their discarded metals.

If you can find some in your neighborhood, say in the playground, an old warehouse, an old house, look if there are “junk” you can dispose. Sell your scrap metals to your local recycling center, that’s one easy and quick way to make money.

Sell your craft. Do you love sewing? Are you a great painter or illustrator? Make use of your artsy side and work or collaborate with other people to make money from it. You can work as a freelance photographer for a friend and work up from there.

If you’re great in graphic design, logo design and illustrations, you can offer your services to create invitation cards, posters, logo design, and the likes to companies. Create your own online page and sell there your handmade jewelries, artworks, clothes and any other services you can offer. Or if you want convenience, you can just go to Etsy and sell your items there.

Become a dog walker. Probably one of the most fun and exciting side job, walk dogs! If you live flexible schedule and you are in love with dogs, knock on your neighbors, friends and family members if they need someone to walk their dogs.

Busy professionals fail to make time to walk their pets so they are likely to appreciate and pay someone to walk their dogs. Charge a reasonable amount per hour/s and don’t forget to pick up their waste and throw it in the garbage bin, that’s part of the job but it’s still fun nonetheless.

Rent out your parking spot. Whether you have one spot or two (the other one for guest parking), it’s a great opportunity to make extra cash out of it especially if you don’t own a car or own one (but have two spots). If you have a neighbor or interested tenants to take your spot, make a deal with them and have them rent your spot. The deal can go for a week, a month and further depending on your agreement. Still, charge a fair fee.

Babysit. Ask your family, friends, neighbors and other acquaintances if ever they need someone or they know someone who may need a good soul and caring hands to babysit their children for their date night or night out with friends and colleagues. Usually, they will only be out for 4 hours maximum so plan ahead what you can do with their children. You can watch Disney films, play video games, help them with their homeworks or other fun and exciting stuff.

Don’t go selling your organs as your last resort, there are a lot more options in store for you. You just have to open both your eyes and mind. Got any more ways to earn quick cash? Share it with us!


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